The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cryptic Poem 009: Gravity

entry picture

This simple lyric has a very sad theme. It is the kind of poem that would go well in a greeting card. If you really wanted to depress someone.

The form is simple rhyming couplets if you count the last two lines as one (it is a kind of Whitmanesque lengthened line). I won’t say enjoy, but try to complete the poem, and then weep a little tear for all those left behind. Happy September!



Long have I known and ----- you, friend

And known our -------- will someday end

With one left while the other walks into -------

Unless, by chance or ------, we walk off together


I know that ---- to wish such things

Is to dishonour life and all that life ------

But the ----- is the thought that for even one day

My love will not be ------ by you

And thus will float ----


1 Adored learner dove unexpectedly (5)

2 Will lion tear apart kin? (8)

3 Disorientating fever or eternity (7)

4 Decision in macho ice-sculpture (6)

5 Still flat (4)

6 Attains second-rate finger jewellery? (6)

7 Saucy sauce is the reason! (5)

8 Crazy cat hug will be captured (6)

9 One street is absent (4)



Glory be to Him. His light will shine down

Upon all His works. order from chaos,

The sweetest harvest from the direst loss,

Life eternal from the smallest seed sown.


What joy to exist in this world He made

And feel His warmth dissolve the sharpest frost,

To doze in the cool forests of His shade

When the sun’s passion becomes a cruel boast.


O mighty stillness behind all motion,

Force imperious within attraction,

To sing Your praise will be my life’s mission,

My voice will cross the land, sail the ocean


Cursing the blasphemy bound to recur

Regarding where You would be without her.

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<Deleted User> (5593)

Thu 2nd Sep 2010 08:19

Next month we're going to offer a prize for correctly providing the solution - it could be you!

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