The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Juice

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‘The Juice’ is a new arts magazine produced by a group of young arts graduates and students, which aims to represent and support emerging talent in Leeds and West Yorkshire; and they’re inviting you to the official launch on Wednesday, 15th September, at The Roast Café in Leeds.

‘The Juice’ Magazine (front cover pictured) was born from a dislike of the standard rejection letters and the jobcentre, and in response to the challenges faced by aspiring artists in showcasing their work, along with a genuine love for the arts. They hope to create a supportive network of artists in West Yorkshire, and are always looking for new ideas and perspectives so if you are interested in getting involved why not drop them a line?

The first issue of the magazine takes its inspiration from the positions and aspirations of the creative team with the theme ‘Part-time Job, Full-time Artist’, and takes a look at the challenges faced by many artists in trying to sustain an arts practice whilst struggling to make ends meet.

Next month’s issue will take a look at the relationship between Science and Art, and they are seeking submissions from artists, writers, photographers – anyone creative in fact, the only stipulations being that you must be living, studying or working in West Yorkshire, and that your work is suitable for reproduction in black & white only.

You will be able to pick up a free copy of the very first issue of ‘The Juice’ at the launch party; with live performances from local musicians and artists the team behind the magazine will be on hand if you want to get involved or find out more, though they’ll be delighted to see you even if you only want to help them celebrate!

The evening starts at 7pm and entry is free; you can find The Roast Café at 1 Whitehall Riverside, Leeds LS1 4BN, over-looking the river and just a short walk from the train station. And if you can’t make it you can still find out more from their website at:

◄ Cryptic Poem 009: Gravity

Poetry in aid of Pakistan ►

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