The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cryptic Poem Winner

entry picture

The winner from October's Prize Cryptic Poem is....

Cathy Bryant

All the way from Manchester.


The prize winner was chosen at random from all of the correct entries that we received.

The randomness of the selection was ensured through the process of sticking a pin into a hat whilst blindfolded - the winner was the person wearing the hat, and was identified by virtue of their distinctive squeal of pain when the pin went in. 


First comes osmosis, water through membrane
Rain fulfils its promise to germinate
Saturate with rudimentary sap
Wrapped no more in a desiccated ball
All the mystery that existence holds
Unfolds, a play only ever rehearsed.
Power demands that power be dispersed;
Bursting life contained within nature's moulds.
Old songs hold new vitality in thrall,
Calling on it to drink earth and sky, map
Taproot territories facing down fate
Waiting for bud, leaf, tendril and flower.

◄ Haiku Competition 2010

Is there still a market for rhyming poetry? ►

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