The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Opportunities at blankpages

entry picture

The following opportunities have arisen to work with Blank Media Collective – the online magazine for emerging artists.

blankpages Fiction Editor & Poetry Editor

Manchester-based practitioners are required for these voluntary positions within the Blank Media Collective team. There is no payment for these roles but mentoring and support will be given by the team. The positions will give the individuals selected further experience and useful contacts to use within their own practice and can be a valuable route to future employment.

The Poetry & Fiction Editors will work within the blankpages team, sourcing submissions and working with contributors to create meaningful relationships and an atmosphere of constructive creative criticism.

Responsibilities for the two Editors will include:

• sourcing, proof-reading and editing submissions

• developing a pool of writers for the magazine and encouraging new contributors

• considering new ways to present works within the magazine and implementing these changes

• suggesting and/or writing related articles

• attending team meetings (at least one per month), contributing to the overall vision for the publication

• raising awareness and visibility of blankpages

The blankpages Fiction Editor and Poetry Editor will work closely with John Leyland (Editor) and the rest of the blankpages team, maintaining the quality and relevance of these important strands of the publication. They must also have a good understanding of Blank Media Collective as a whole and be open to supporting the progression of the organisation.

It is hoped that the positions will be filled as soon as possible, and will be for an initial 3 month period, which will be extended if both the individuals and Blank Media Collective are in mutual agreement.

For further information, including details of how to apply, please go to:


The other opportunity that's available is for emerging practitioners to perform interventions and give guerrilla performances in Manchester City centre, on behalf of BlankCanvas.

Are you an emerging live art practitioner? Performance artist? Guerrilla projectionist? Poetic town crier? Situationists, interventionists, psychogeographers!  This is a call out to all challengers of traditional concepts!

The performances will be during the weekend of 13th – 14th November, and the deadline for submissions is Friday, 10th September. Again, there is no payment but mentoring and support will be given by Blank Media Collective team.

Manchester is Blank; in galleries, museums and theatres we are spoon-fed culture.

This November, as part of BlankWeekend, Blank Media Collective will present a series of unexpected, incidental live art interventions. Manchester is your BlankCanvas.

Performance without conscience, without audience, without performance, without boundaries. Engage and disengage simultaneously.

Blank Media Collective will facilitate, coordinate and document the events over the weekend of 12th-14th November 2010, and there will be several group meetings in the run-up to the presentation of work.

If you are interested you can send an email to:  with a short expression of your idea, any previous experiences in this field and any questions.

And you can find more information at:

◄ Terry King at the Tea Box

Cryptic Poem 009: Gravity ►

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