The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.


Let’s hear it for these little men,

Let’s hear it for the pompous twits;

Let’s hear it for their backward views,

Their entourage of nasty shits.


Let’s join them turning back the clock

And pumping rubbish in the air;

Let's make sure their election day

Is anything but free and fair.


Give them the room to swagger on,

As they bash human rights and gays,

And strut around in built-up shoes,

To wave flags on the festive days.


Applaud their scruple deficit,

As critics rot behind cold bars;

We sometimes wish we could do this,

When we cower in unmarked cars.


◄ Omelette

Nineteen Eighty-Four ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 11th Jun 2024 08:08

Thanks for the comments, David and MC.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 10th Jun 2024 19:06

The term "Strongman" certainly seems more often used for the
type that emerges in countries that have no record of "free and
fair" elections, so that point is taken. In a wider sense, I recall
the following lines that contain their own truth.
"Strong men create easy times.
Easy times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.
Hard times create strong men...!!

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David RL Moore

Mon 10th Jun 2024 13:11

So often, too often the so called strong men are the weak men.

That corrupted perception indicates the warped interpretations and perceptions of our societies.


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Stephen Gospage

Mon 10th Jun 2024 08:17

Thank you, MC. The subject of this poem, Strongmen, do not have to put their heads above the parapet, of course. They can just bash the brave people who do.

And thanks to everyone who liked this poem.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 8th Jun 2024 17:59

All politicians who seek office "put their heads above the parapet" and risk opprobrium from opposing views, sometimes
deteriorating from personal verbal invective to personal physical assault. And other public figures who take a stand on something
are just as vulnerable. Think of the likes of Salman Rushdie.
Or that Saudi journalist working for the Washington Post who
entered his country's embassy, only to be murdered within.
Curtailing freedom of speech is the first aim of those who fear it! Has there been any time in world history when the latter have not strutted its stage, convincing the credulous and creating
their designer-chaos?

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 8th Jun 2024 17:45

Thank you for your comments, Patricia, Manish, Tim and Keith. I should make it clear that the subject of this poem is dictators of all shades and the misguided 'democratic' politicians who seem to envy them. I remember a giggling Berlusconi once joining with Putin in firing a pretend gun at a journalist. I think that says it all.

I have great respect for most truly democratic politicians, who have to submit themselves to real elections and who are routinely abused and threatened with (or subjected to) violence. A mayor in Brussels was attacked today, yesterday it was the Danish PM. While we may disagree, it is important to defend such dedicated public servants.

And thanks to Hugh, Larisa, Holden and Tom for liking this.

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keith jeffries

Sat 8th Jun 2024 15:30

Powerful words. They leave me speechless as they echo every thought I have about politicians. When I look at all politicians of all parties I thank God we have a monarchy.
Thank you indeed.

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Tim Higbee

Sat 8th Jun 2024 13:10

Stephen, poems like this vividly and consistently lift the veil from the faces that wish to hide. The faces of humanity at its most destructive.
Thank you for your words of luminosity.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 8th Jun 2024 12:23

A strong emotion of vexation or fury oozes out of this poem which is very contagious, Stephen. I liked the title, the poem and overall everything. Very evocative and brilliant as always.
Thank you.

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Patricia Ziel

Sat 8th Jun 2024 11:14

So sad our world affairs, you sure nailed it!

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