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How to ponce about with words

to aim one’s arse to shape one’s turds.


Make them pleasing to the eye,

yet still attract the common fly.


Syllable or Syllabub,

is that stanza sweet enough?


That those who pander to its taste

are far too cool to be disgraced...


by calls to gladly recreate

the chunks of words which constipate...


pure thoughts that if allowed to flow

might sluice the sewers deep below...


of bergs that over years have grown

Soliloquies and Hymns full blown...


but no, stop there, withhold your haste

resist not the world of cut and paste,


Shakey, Coleridge, Wordsworth too

squeezed out their own fair share of pooh,


Fear not the sound of those who flush

wear proud your cracking cheeks, don't blush,


we're all the same here in the gutter,

speak well now bard...raise up, don't mutter.


Audio and Video at Link





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David RL Moore

Wed 17th Apr 2024 05:48

Thank you Stephen and Landi and those who sent flowers.

Stephen, I think it is very much the point that one mans shite is another mans treasure. All I would add is that polishing another mans turd is not something any of us would do whilst we might just at a push polish our own, not that I think I least not in recent years.

Landi, I think it is good to push through our own doubts and "go to press" regardless. Nothing much ever changed from remaining with the herd or not attempting to be different, that said experimentation at difference has to be more than polishing the turd or painting it a different colour.


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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 16th Apr 2024 22:40

I've recently had the word constipation! And, been told a few times that some of my writing is shite, but, I always say, one man's shite is another man's treasure... Anyway nice one!

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Landi Cruz

Tue 16th Apr 2024 18:54

As I read, I might imagine myself in a mirror on any given idle night, poising myself to speak (oh this wretched sphincter)

--nevermind that some people actually do just that.

..we've become a right self-conscious bunch with the dawn of the age of information, and probably justifiably so.

Anyhow, in regards to your comment, I think you're absolutely onto something. I mean, some of the most vibrant moments of my life have been borne of a certain amount of friction; not of homogeny. That tension is undeniably a part of the impetus that drives us forward. Without it, we're all destined to remain inert--maybe even no better than turds )

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David RL Moore

Tue 16th Apr 2024 18:17

Thanks Reggie,

I think you might be onto something there. You know how us brits like our toilet humour, or maybe not.


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Reggie's Ghost

Tue 16th Apr 2024 17:44

Late to the party on this one.

Like much of your stuff David one has to re-read to appreciate the real meaning. I don't think this is about arses, turds or poo at all, but about flowery language that disguises the unsavoury facts.

(I'm probably totally wrong!)

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David RL Moore

Tue 16th Apr 2024 17:15

Thanks for the like Tim much appreciated.

I'm not surprised this isn't popular it was a strange one to try and write. I attempted to soften it with the audio and video link but suspect that really didn't work either.

Poetry about poetry is generally dull, poetry which suggests dislike of certain styles is dangerous ground (although I didn't do that here). Acceptance is the way. Does that negate our desire or right to express dislike? I know that to step into that area is to have to be prepared to accept the reactions or lack of, I think that's fair, it is also honest and often isolating. I appreciate that that is personal choice.


But there you have it, onward and sideways I suppose.

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