The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.


An Appeal.  I never part with money to beggars on the streets.  However I buy vouchers from Greggs loaded with a few quid. That way I know they will be "spent" on food and a hot drink.


In the bleak mid-winter

Doorway for a home

Cold and wet and hungry

Christmas Day alone;

Veteran of country’s wars


Nation of the caring

Nation of the free.


In the bleak mid-winter

Low as low can get

Simply one of many

Slipping through the net;

Life beyond our bubble

We’re too blind to see

Ne’ery thought nor thankful

It’s not you or me.


In the Bleak Mid-Winter

Homes bedecked with lights

Families round the table

Sheltered from cold nights.

Spare a thought for lost souls

When you pass a Greggs

Spare a quid for vouchers

For he or she that begs.




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Stephen Gospage

Wed 13th Dec 2023 21:57

Well done, John. Any one of us could slip through the net. No real equivalent of Greggs Vouchers here, I think, but cash usage still more common than in UK, I think. Supermarket stamps might work, if someone collects them.

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John Coopey

Tue 12th Dec 2023 22:14

Thankyou, LaudyDaudyy.


Tue 12th Dec 2023 16:47

i love it! the vocals made it more complete.

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John Coopey

Tue 12th Dec 2023 15:06

Thankyou, Helene, MC, and John.
And thanks also for the Likes to Holden and Tim.
MC - I don’t know what “foreign” equivalent of Greggs is but I have no doubts there are other retailers in the UK and abroad that do something similar.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 12th Dec 2023 15:01

In our own ways, we can all be "Good King Wenceslas" and these
lines are a modern reminder of that window of opportunity. But
"Greggs" offer a UK brand identity. What, I wonder, is their overseas equivalent for readers beyond home shores?

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Tue 12th Dec 2023 14:10

Thank you John, a really good poem and a kind reminder to all of us in our homes.

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John Gilbert Ellis

Tue 12th Dec 2023 11:52

Forgot to add, what a great idea. I will make a point of carrying some Greggs vouchers with me. I rarely have cash these days on me.

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John Coopey

Mon 11th Dec 2023 20:33

Thankyou, Ruth. Is the audio attached to this post useable for you?
And thanks for the Likes, Adam, Steve, John and Carlton.

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 11th Dec 2023 18:38

John This is great I will include it in my Christmas Show Thank you for telling me

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