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Bikes on Trains are phucked too

By Bill 53 1/2.


You see them standing near you.

On the platform packed with life.

Their fucking vacant smiles

shows no care for the strife.


That their crappy worn out bike,

Will cause all when jammed onto the train.

As it blocks the doors and takes precious space,

And adds tenfold to commuter pain.


Travellers shuffle by,

With many a stumble and fall.

Their seething anger barely held within,

Expletives ready and on call.


And the sympathy that may exist,

Disappears in a flash.

Upon inspection of the aged steed.

That’s suffered many a life-threatening crash.


Because stickers that adorn it,

Promote vegans and an end to coal.

From front to back and front again

Saving the environment is his goal.


But there’s deep hatred of the fucker,

His travel regime’s a scam.

They hope he chokes on his mung beans.

Or gets flattened by a tram.


As he takes his bike upon the train,

Come rain, hail or shine.

His recumbent velocipede,

Will no doubt salvage a world in decline.


Flags and mirrors also,

Having no friends seems a crime.

He’s saving the planet with his bike.

One train ride at a time.


Trainsbikesangrycommuterpublic transport

◄ Trains are phucked

Buses are more phucked than Trains ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 17th Oct 2023 09:23

A terrible truth here, Bill. Yes, there is an annoying self-righteousness about some cyclists, but I suppose we ought to be understanding, difficult though it sometimes is.

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John Gilbert Ellis

Mon 16th Oct 2023 15:58

love the seething rage and a point well made

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Mon 16th Oct 2023 07:47

Of course in the old days bikes would go in the guards van, but Railways in their wisdom, did away with them.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 15th Oct 2023 17:20

The festering feelings and barely withheld mentions
Of resentment for others' "good intentions".
Well put in these lines. But that man Moulton has made their
existence more tolerable with his two-wheel whizz of an

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 14th Oct 2023 21:44

Velocipedes, centipedes, millipedes...we're being overrun by the buggers!

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