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In The Nude

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The wilting hours now begin to yawn
between our parting looks 
You’ll soon pose me in some gallery
or print me in your books
Strewn across the coffee tables
of all your literary friends
They gleefully rifle through the wreckage
as our love surely ends

It’s a responsibility you won’t accept
but there’s a cruelty inherent
owned by the one who wields a pen
the one who is the poet
I marvel at the shade of paint you mix
colliding all your thoughts upon our story
Your sensitivity truly is a gift
but do you not feel how it might hurt me

There are both perspectives to consider
two bodies acted every scene
you’re free to treasure each memory
but there should be some privacy
Turning your lost lovers into sculpture
some gleaming grotesque bust
You let strangers touch my hidden parts
they grope my flaws in their disgust

You walk tall, in some new jacket
signing all your pages
while I stare at my deformed reflection
nakedly measured by your gauges
Though you don’t mean to be
and though you never meant to
each line cuts so deep in me
your rhymes can be so cruel…



◄ Lady Generosity

Dark At The End of The Street ►


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Tue 27th Sep 2022 11:21

Thanks Afshan, appreciated.

<Deleted User> (32270)

Sat 24th Sep 2022 17:12


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Mon 20th Jun 2022 10:56

Thank you Keith and Mark for your comments. Funny you should mention that song... You're So Vain popped into my head so I was listening to it while writing the poem.

Thanks to the other readers/likers too. 😃

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 19th Jun 2022 16:11

Depiction of others from relationships have long featured in the
arts. I'm reminded of the song "You're So Vain" for example.....
rumoured to have been written about the younger Warren Beatty.
Then, there are faces and bodies featured in various artwork
down the centuries. The stories behind many must provide
fascinating insights into their creation.

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keith jeffries

Sat 18th Jun 2022 23:51

your poetry grows more profound by the day as you probe into the minds of others and even your own. This poem is deep and the third stanza is an example of of that profundity.
Thank you for this

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Sat 18th Jun 2022 22:46

Thanks Stephen, I'm pleased you appreciated this one. I was thinking about the singers of the 60s many of whom were involved with oneanother but must have known their relationships were going to be fodder for future songs - that they may or may not like. It got me thinking about the tightrope you walk when dating a writer or artist; someone who is likely to mine every heartbreak for inspiration. And then, in the process of writing, the story always gets conflated, embellished, and tuned.

The resulting song/book/artwork lays bare the relationship while also presenting a distorted view of what transpired. I suppose I feel some guilt for writing about my past relationships without the consent of the people involved. So, in this poem, the person on the receiving end gets to have their say.

The world would be a very boring place without the art borne out of the relationships between two people (I place I personally love to explore) but the idea of consent or what it's right or wrong to expose is something that got me thinking. Personally, I’d feel honoured to have inspired anyone to have created anything. Even a gleaming grotesque bust 😂

Thank you also to Nigel, K Lynn, Stephen and Holden for taking the time to pour your eyes over my lines.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 18th Jun 2022 12:19

An impressive poem, Tom.

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