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Lady Generosity

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Lady Generosity
suddenly, standing before me
Says my voice sets her at ease
and she’ll do anything I please

The night was a vicious dark
so, I wished for more moon
and with a flick of her hair
we’re climbing the stair to her room

She’s a lonesome soul and she tells me so
Loves the silence of being home alone
To hear her laughing loudly with me
a sound I remember so fondly

Though, I know we’re just passing through
this is not some enthralling start
That doesn’t mean a night can’t feel a decade
on the timeline of a heart

The bunting, sails, lanterns, ropes
caught by the wind coming off the sea
Well, everything is dancing now
and she’s dancing with me

I smile ‘Let’s drink the wine
just enough to feel the vine’
She sings of the crashing waves
that rise with each kiss we exchange

Her short hair skitters
like paintbrush tips across bare shoulders
We’ll both feel quite ageless and free
melting in a quivering mass of relief

She says ‘you know, I will not stay
but don’t despair, I’ve filled you full of art
and a night can feel a decade
on the timeline of a heart…’

Now, my body, it is weary
and my soul stinging sore
but I’m grateful for the moments spent
and feel left with something more

I’d have done anything to keep her
delay the moment she’d depart
but this night will feel a decade
on the timeline of my heart…



brief encouters

◄ The Hidden Lake

In The Nude ►


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Sat 28th May 2022 00:34

Thank you Fredrick, Stephen, Stephen, Holden and Bethany for the 'likes' and for reading - very kind of you to take the time to have a squiz.

Stephen/Julie, thank you so much. I have wrestled with poem for a few weeks and I know I never really got to grips with it but I was quite pleased with some of the lines.

Writing poems like this when the world is self-destructing so spectacularly feels a bit trite but a little escapism helps some of us deal with everything. 😃

P.S. I don't know why it's not displaying here on the poem post, but I added an audio reading of this poem - you can find it on my profile page.

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 19:36

Echo Stephens words, some wonderful lines. She’s a lucky lady to have this written for her.

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 26th May 2022 19:21

Lovely stuff, Tom. Some wonderful lines. I especially like:
I’ve filled you full of art
and a night can feel a decade
on the timeline of a heart…’ 🌈

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