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The Hidden Lake

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Take me to the hidden lake
let us wander through 
the valleys of your heart
Let us revel in the splendour
of all that rests within
Accumulations, it’s what we are
everything we’ve felt and seen

Let us swim in the hidden lake
in that secret world
deep at the core of you
Make it rain, bring forth the sun
We’ll watch the waters flow
across your canvas 
into the sea, into reality

When the soul flows through
and out of you…

How long I’ve wondered
where this thing springs from
How long I’ve yearned to learn
what is the source 
that feeds your ocean
How long I’ve ached to understand
where creativity is born

Is it the gifting light of some divinity
or weird wiring in the brain
A prophet with a prayer to share
something deep to celebrate
A seer into the fabric of what is
with raw sensitivity, purest empathy
or a jester writing their own joke book

When the soul flows through
and out of you…

The unique way you see things
how you intuit and interpret
painting the ephemeral
The haunting way your voice
speaks of the rich duality
as it carries the tune of living

Don’t despair, the lake is always there
some days, the level low
some days, only a trickle flow
Some days, the dam spills over
some days, the trek into the mountains
takes a little longer

We'll always return with something new
there’s nothing more beautiful
there’s nothing more true

When the soul flows through
and out of you…




◄ Young Family In The Sunshine

Lady Generosity ►


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Sun 15th May 2022 11:57

Thank you Keith, really appreciate your comments and thank you for reading. Great to see you posting again.

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keith jeffries

Fri 13th May 2022 16:52

Beautifully crafted and well thought out. This is poetry which has long awaited expression.
Thank you

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Wed 4th May 2022 09:22

Thanks Tommy and Frederick for the extra likes! And thanks Frederick, a wonderful lake indeed and one at the heart of all our WriteOutLoud friends. Maybe we can all go for a hike there sometime and swap stories... Thanks for reading.

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Red Brick Keshner

Wed 4th May 2022 06:34

What a wonderful lake this is! Somewhere out there should be a lake for each one that breathes and loves. Thanik you for sharing.

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Sun 1st May 2022 12:57

Thanks Stephen, Stephen, Holden, Bethany and Jennifer for reading and for the 'likes'. 😃

And thank you Jennifer for your lovely comment (as always). I've been wanting to write this one for a year now but didn't know how to approach it - the title popped into my head one day and unlocked it... The magic of creativity.

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jennifer Malden

Fri 29th Apr 2022 22:48

Really beautiful, as always. Needs to be read several times to thoroughly enjoy it.


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