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shower drain


i invite you in my life to feel something again

to turn my numbness into happiness;

you are my happiness 

you make me my happiest

no one loves me as much as you do.


day in and day out i consume your love and affection.

soaking up every last bit. the feeling of feeling something for someone again excites my soul.

feeling anything is so hard these days.

but then i always turn back to you—-my one true love. 


the warmth you provide makes my whole body tingle, i feel it in my stomach too. 

the best feeling is when i can’t get enough.


the way you make me laugh and smile is like no other. 


it’s almost like i depend on you. depend on you to fill me up, make me whole again.

fill me with your temporary comfort of love.

fill me with your false sense of hope. 

fill me with your sweet taste.

a taste that pulses through my veins and gives me a purpose in life. 


you are perfect. will never hurt me. or leave me like the rest. that’s why i love you so much. 


that’s why I always come back.



◄ small minds

where is my mind ►


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