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Reconciliation (Remove filter)

Sun Snatcher

When you see the sun setting behind the black clouds,

his rays stretched towards you in the hope of rescue,

and you know it’s not his time to leave,

it’s not dusk yet,

what do you do?


Stay still, stay calm.

Kiss him goodbye.

Make yourself a cup of tea,

sit by the fire, read a book, and wait.

Wait for he shall return soon.

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We are at war


We are at war 

and I should not be calm.

We are on the battleground 

Holding our castles 

and guarding our rights and riches.


We, you and me, are at war my love 

And I should not find peace.



You and I built the bridges and burnt the forests 

You and I conquered the mounts and rode the vales

You and I ploughed the ...

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