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Stuart Vanner (Remove filter)


As we enter 2022,
What will it bring for me and you?  
Will it be a brave new year?
And not be filled with dread or fear.

Will it bring us joy and bring us hope?
And no longer find it hard to cope.
Where we'll get back to normality,
And this will be our reality.

Will this new year bring us new beginnings?
Where we'll succeed and keep our winnings.
Where we will get on the proper trac...

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Stuart VannerThe new year2022Hope

The Christmas Presence

At this wonderful time when we all love to share,
We feel the magic of Christmas sail through the air.
We see everyone laugh and everyone smile,
With great jubilation all of the while.

Outside may be cold, but inside it is cosy,
And while our mood is good our cheeks are all rosy.
People stop being cross and they stop being snappy,
As goodwill abounds and everyone's happy.

Gifts are exc...

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Stuart VannerChristmas.

Do Not Give Up!

If we arrive at great misfortune,
Try not to be bitter.
Turn it into something positive,
And do not be a quitter.

And if we should meet a dead end,
Or if we should lose our way,
Know we can get back on track
And that tomorrow's a new day.

And if we don't know where we're going,
And we are filled with huge despair,
We can redraw our map of life,
And find our roads lead everywhere.


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DespairHopePositiveStuart Vanner

Moving Home

Moving home is always full of stress,
But it may also be exciting.
Is it all a huge ordeal?
Or do you find it quite inviting?

It takes so long to pack things up,
And there are boxes everywhere.
For it surely tries our patience,
As there is so much to prepare.

Is the move something you fear?
Or do you long for pastures new?
Is it all one big nightmare?
Or a dream that has come true?


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Stuart VannerMoving Home

The General Public

What are all the general public like?
Do they care and are they kind?
Do they think about themselves,
Or have they others on their mind?

Are they going to their work,
Or are they looking round the shops?
Are they travelling by foot or by car,
Or do they get on and off bus stops?

Do they really feel happy?
Or are they secretly afraid?
Do they like being outside,
Or wish at home is wh...

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Stuart VannerThe General Public


We describe that as madness what we misunderstand,
And restrain such behaviour should it get out of hand.
Are they quite ill or completely deranged?
Or merely eccentric or just slightly strange?

What we fail to see is that this is their reality,
And we perceive our own world as that of normality,
For the mind is complex and full of puzzles.
While some are content, some are full of trouble...

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MadnessStuart Vanner

Judy Garland

Judy Garland was always full of magic.
And it is sad that she lived a life so tragic.
She could act and and she could surely sing.
Then joy and delight she would bring.

We all know she had a wondrous voice.
To hear it now may make us all rejoice.
And with such great talent she was blessed,
From The Wizard of Oz is perhaps known best.

By MGM she was promptly bought,
But with many troub...

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Stuart VannerJudy Garland

End of Restrictions

We all long for when restrictions end.
Times have been tough but we're on the mend.
Our freedom - it cannot come too soon.
Now together we may sing a joyful tune.

Life for us all must now improve.
For face masks we may soon remove.
And there's something for which many yearn,
That's for nightclubs and discos to return.

Social distancing will be abolished,
And the metre rule is to be de...

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FreedomLockdownRestrictionsStuart Vanner

Positive or Negative

Which of these outlooks should one make?
What perceptive path is it right to take? -
To believe that fortune shall prevail?
Or that our hopes and dreams are sure to fail?

Should we look towards the side that's bright,
And that there's an end to our problems in sight?
Should we always look through rose-tinted specs?
Or believe gloom is what we should expect?

Is it better to expect the w...

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NegativePositiveStuart Vanner

The News

We are fascinated by the news,
For it may shock or it may amuse.
We see real life - every day.
See what people do and what they say.

Whether in the paper or on TV,
It is there for us all to see.
And famous people we love to watch -
Should they succeed or should they botch.

We love hearing stories of in the courts,
And so popular are our sports.
And many of us do endeavour
To always ...

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Stuart VannerThe NewsThe media

Back to the Future

Back to the Future is exciting and great!!
It is one of the biggest movies to date.
It is clever, funny and really sublime,
As we watch Marty McFly travel in time.

By Doc Emmett Brown, Marty is assisted.  
As he goes back in time the plot becomes twisted
When he stops his parents from getting together,
Marty almost reaches the end of his tether.  

This means he is nearly erased from ex...

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Stuart VannerBack to the FutureFilmsMoviesscience fiction poetry


I love to feel contentment.
It always gives me satisfaction.
It comforts and relaxes,
And is a beautiful distraction.

It makes me warm and cozy.
It gives me a definite direction.
And whatever I may be doing,
I shall keep a sweet reflection.

Wherever that I may be,
I hope it shall stay forever.
To cherish and to hold it,
And to let it go - I do say: never.

I then believe the world...

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Stuart VannerContentmentHappinessHopepleasure

This Life

This listless life just drifts on by,
Like the clouds which float up high.
All is still and nothing moves.
On each and everything I disapprove.

So turn the wheel. Let life be good.
Let us all be understood.
Let the Sun now break through.
Let this golden globe echo our life's view.

Then take us from this world of trouble.
Prick and pop this secret bubble.
And through the tears of heav...

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Stuart VannerLifehope

Harry Potter

Harry Potter's adventures have been enjoyed,
He was a boy wizard who could not be destroyed.
There was a bad mage, known as Voldemort,
And it was Harry's death that he sought.

Harry survived and he was raised by muggles,
Who were cruel and harsh and cared not for his struggles.
But Harry entered a school where magic was taught.
It was a huge castle and it was called Hogwarts.

Ron and H...

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Harry PotterStuart Vanner

Star Wars

For those who love their science fiction,
Star Wars holds the most conviction.
Set long ago and far away,
We love to watch them to this day.

We watch and see the Jedi Knights
Take on the dark side in light saber fights.
All are determined upon their course,
As some possess a power called The Force!

Luke Skywalker leads as young crusader
Against evil Emperor and Darth Vader.
His siste...

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Stuart VannerStar Warsscience fiction


Yes, our pubs are all great places,
Where people love to get together.
They are always full of laughter,
And no one cares about the weather.

One may choose to get quite tipsy,
It makes reactions all slowed down.
You say things you wouldn't sober,
Then visit every pub in town.

And if you have no more money,
From someone else you'll have to borrow.
And know that when you go to bed

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Stuart VannerPubsDrink


When given a choice of right or wrong,
Be resolute and try to stay strong.
When making a choice - choose what is good.
Even if your deeds are then misunderstood.      

If at a crossroads you find you arrive,
Take the honest path. Try not to contrive.
If you choose the wrong road you may be shamed,
And mud might forever then be your name.

So travel the path to a righteous location,

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Stuart VannerVirtueHope

To Leave The Cage

As Covid rules start to be lifted,
Lives once more shall soon be shifted.
In parks and gardens we are now free
To be with people we have longed to see.

While we may meet in groups of up to six,
We are also now allowed to mix
With two households, though of any size.
For our patience this is the latest prize.

As well as this we can now play all sports,
Perhaps on the field in the courts...

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Stuart VannerCovid 19Restictions

The Elephant Man

There once lived a man who became so disfigured,
A freak is how he was generally considered.
His name -Joseph Merrick or as The Elephant Man.
His life became awful as his problems began.

He was known a monster and was greatly mistreated;
With jeers and with taunts he must have been greeted,
But if there is another thing about him that's known,
He was well-read and clever and not entirely ...

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Stuart VannerThe Elephant Man

Back to School

As we start to relax the lockdown rules,
All children now return to school.
While most parents welcome this change,
To some children this may seem strange.

While older children must wear a mask,
To social distance must be quite a task.
And as for safety much has been invested,
Twice a week they'll be Covid tested.

Some may like school if they are smart,
And some are glad sports and cl...

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Stuart VannerSchoolCovid- 19

Covid Vaccinations

We now have a cause for celebration
We shall defeat Covid by vaccination.
Against this virus we all must fight.
To be immune is now our right.

There are different types of vaccine.
And it's the biggest project that we've seen.
They are distributed throughout the nation,
And for all the workers give appreciation.

When I was first there I became afraid,
But looking back I'm glad I staye...

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Stuart VannerCovid- 19VaccinationsHope

The State of World

All people now seem to crave success,
Though this road may be one of stress.
And so many try to be perfect,
Knowing success brings respect.

We all appear to be in competition
To get more money and more recognition.
So why do some have an endless need
To fulfil a constant greed?

So away with envy and with hate,            
For we now have bigger things upon our plate.
The world now ne...

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Stuart VannerThe worldSuccessCovid 19Pandemichope

Company - Yes or No?

Sometimes we yearn for company.
Sometimes we must be alone.
We may like to vent our problems,
Or fix them on our own.

And if we are handed puzzles
How do we find solutions?
Should we do it by ourselves, 
Or with help and contributions?

And when we feel sad or down
We often just ruminate,
But should we take comfort in others
To get us back to feeling great?

Though when we're feeli...

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Stuart VannerCompanyLockdown

The New Year 2021

As we welcome in 2021,
We are pleased that last year has now gone.
So what now shall this new year bring?
Will we once again laugh and smile and sing?

Of this virus can we soon be rid?
As we abhor the dreadful things it did.
And it is now time to cling to hope,
As last year many found it hard to cope.

What has this new year got in store?
We shall not yield to Covid any more.
So will ...

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Stuart VannerThe New Year2021

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