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November (Remove filter)

November 2021 Collage Poem: Perplexing Forms

Old honest mirror of rage in hollow darkness

Echoes, echoes of truth vibrating in unison,

Safe soft echoes


Ben Hur burst through the door

Of the high class restaurant in his

Chariot of obscurity


Covered in dust, some of the books died

In the silence during lockdown

The great book escape


Observe her hardened humanity.

Taxman swimming through the forgotte...

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Collage PoemNovember

November 2018 Collage Poem: Cheshire Housewives


Cheshire housewife buys her Hereafter Insurance,

Works hard for nativity with port and gin

Our truth is, success means excess.


Then lies were common in family life

Waiting, hiding, broken, when when true

As your eyes sparkle through Mona Lisa smiles

And lies of untruth spoken words


Housewife with her gin

And tonic gives Santa a good



Heavy Mon...

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Cheshire HousewivesStockport WoLCollage PoemCollageNovember

November 2017 Collage Poem: Frozen

Gossip is simmering internal fathoms deep

So crazy for you I’m petrified by love


Witches watch the children cry,

As the jazz man freezes at what is here,


The Tesco Ghost floats like a butterfly

But gets stung by a speeding lorry


Freezing weapons like bullets

Then swallows wanting to come home


Crazy one-upmanship,

Leaves no more to be said

Frozen in...

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Novemberstockport collage poem

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