The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Walking through life

The hate keeps fueling the fire,

The sadness in my heart continues to grow.

I need a ray of sunshine melting my hate as a hot sun would with snow.

The darkness over comes the light, but will the light ever shine bright enough?

The laughter of people brings jealousy into my heart.

Why can't I have laughter?

Why can't I have love and happiness?

I hear a whisper in my dreams " The strength of a man lies in how well he deals with solitude"

Is Odin testing me?

By the fate of the norns, my life was already decided.

I will not run.

Father, This life you gave me is a test in how well a man deals with hardship, the greatest gift you can give.

That tells me you think highly of me, and in that, I find my strength to move on.


◄ Vinland

The Great Battle In England. ►


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Tue 21st Oct 2014 06:23

Nope. I hate my fate too, just choose to deal with it.

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