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My experince with Odin

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Please forgive me if there is typos.


I sit at the altar, waiting for his reply,

Humbled by his presence.

I feel him there, his overwhelmingly strong, yet respectful vibe.

"What is it my son" He asks.

" Why did you choose me father"

He replys " I saw before you were born, by the fate of the norns,  what you would be. I saw how much courage that heart of yours holds"

Thank you father, I say humbled.

What is my destiny?

He says " That is for you to figure out, child. You will know in your heart when it arrives."

I have a few more questions, father.

" Ask away my son"

Did my ancestors fall in battle?

" Your ancestors are holding your seat in Valhalla, anxiously waiting for your return. Some fell in battle, some went on to spread the family name, that is why you are here"

I feel in my heart battle is coming, can you tell me when it will come?

He replys " Battle is coming. I will not tell you when it is coming. I will tell you this, when you are in battle, I will grant you beserker rage and victory, whether you feel me there with you or not. If you meet your fate head on without fear of death, I will grant you into Valhalla. If you run, you will not drink the sweet mead at the table of your ancestors in Valhalla"

Thank you father, talk to you soon.



◄ Battle is coming

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