The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Drowning in the Drought

Drowning in the Drought


At times I drip with poetry

The words simply pour out of me

A flow it seems no dam could ever stop


Until, I’m drowning in the drought

A flood of tears and mere self-doubt

That withers, in the barn, my finest crop.



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droughtfloodpoempoetrywriters block


I might make you laugh, but I might also make you cry,
I might give you answers or make you question why.
I can look so serious or sound really quite absurd
I am divine unseen pen pictures designed to be heard.
I will make comparisons to shine a light inside your heart
I’ll begin our stories with with an epilogue or end them near their start.
My language can be quite colourful, yes I have be...

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He saw a hooded figure

So the trees are no longer decorated with strange southern fruits
But Trayvon Martin still gets no justice when Zimmerman shoots.
The latter claimed he had the right to simply stand his ground
But first, against police advice, he followed young Trayvon around
Trying to decide, I guess, if the teenager really posed a threat.
But judging by what Trayvon was packing, he was a wrong as wr...

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Trayvon Martinmurderjusticepoem

One Of Us - A Stephen Lawrence Tribute


Twenty years ago, 
he is waiting for a bus,
'Cos twenty years ago 
he is simply one of us.
But just twenty years ago, 
he comes under attack,
Just 'cos twenty years ago, 
this teenager is black.

Twenty years ago, 
he runs for his life,
'Cos twenty years ago, 
racists stick him with a knife.
Twenty years ago, 
this firework is far too fleeting,
And so twenty ...

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poemMemorialStephen Lawrenceracism

Confessions Of A Self-Berating Splurger - A seasonal ditty


I know I’ve got a lot of stuff and no, I don’t need much more.

I know advertising’s full of guff and persuasion is what it’s for.

I know others needs are greater, but too often I forget

As I’m a self-berating splurger, oft wracked with deep regret.


No matter if you’re measuring in common, pounds or pence,

Too often it would seem that we have more money than sense.

I kno...

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