I Love You Like..
-the ramblings of another young girl-
written: 4/29/15
I love you like the flames love the wood
that it claims
with its fiery passion.
I love you like the sea loves the shore,
as it kisses the soft sand
with each passing wave.
I love you like the sun loves the moon,
as it hides its burning beauty just so the moon can shine,
even with all of its imperfectio...
Thursday 14th May 2015 11:21 pm
Is this you?..Or is this me?
-the ramblings of another young girl-
My thoughts remind me of you
and how you were
on the night that you shattered my world,
and Shallow.
Tuesday 17th March 2015 7:21 pm
Heaven or Hell
written: 3/04/15
The Angels in my heart
whisper to me,
"Love him."
the demons in my mind
scream at me,
"Leave him."
Thursday 5th March 2015 4:40 am
In The End
written: 2/14/15
I know I love you now.
But my mother once loved my father
and the ocean claims to love the shore,
but in the end who always ends up
washing back out to sea?
Sunday 1st March 2015 12:40 am
Cold and Broken
-the ramblings of another young girl-
This empty sky,
starless and dark,
reminds me of my heart..
and how you left it cold and broken
and rotting in my chest.
Monday 19th January 2015 7:04 pm
-the ramblings of another young girl-
It's three words,
eight letters..
but i still stutter and slur them together
until its a big mess of
Perhaps one day it will have
eight letters,
and three seperate words
that won't be so mashed together.
but until then,
you'll just have to deal with
my stuttering and slurring
and the bi...
Sunday 11th January 2015 3:03 am
..i have this fear
-the ramblings of another young girl-
written: 11/29/14
I have this fear.
It keeps me awake when I try to sleep.
It drips into my mind like the rain drips from my window.
I have this fear.
I feel like it will never leave me.
I can't remember the last time it wasn't weighing me down.
I have this fear.
It keeps my heart wrapped in heavy chains.
It makes me scar...
Saturday 13th December 2014 7:57 pm
-the ramblings of another young girl-
written: 12/03/14
I want you to feel the way I felt.
I want you to feel yourself being torn apart
by such simple things as words.
I want you to feel how hard it is to breathe
with that kind of pain.
I want you to feel what it's like to cry
and not be able to stop.
I want you to feel your heart breaking
into tiny little pie...
Wednesday 10th December 2014 2:26 am
The Door
-the ramblings of another young girl-
My whole life I have had this wall,
it has protected me from the inevitable fall.
But then with three tiny words,
that wall was torn down
by my new favorite sound.
and I knew that with your beautiful voice
whispering to my soul,
I was no longer bound.
With my protective wall
now lying broken o...
Monday 24th November 2014 3:40 am
Tears of agony and pain..
written: 11/04/14
These tears that slide slowly down my cheeks
are not normal tears,
they are tears of agony and pain
that have been squeezed out of my broken heart
with each thought of you..
of us.
Tuesday 4th November 2014 10:32 pm
-The ramblings of another young girl-
written: 10/17/14
I fell hard, fast and all at once.
I believed in this thing called
but now..
after all this pain and misery..
all this hurt and agony I have gone through,
All I can remember about "love" is how much it hurts when it's gone.
All I remember is how bad I shattered..
when you took it away fr...
Saturday 18th October 2014 5:10 am
-the ramblings of another young girl-
written: 9/27/14
I watched as you curled up into your own little cocoon.
I watched as you emerged with new colors and two beautiful wings..
that carried you away from me.
and I am stuck here,
forced to stay put on this lonesome ground
as I watch you, and your brilliant colors,
fly high into the sky..
and away from the memory of...
Sunday 28th September 2014 12:24 am
Will I ever..
written: 9/16/14
I wonder..
will I ever see past the mass of tears, that restrict me from seeing anything but you..
will I ever smell anything other than your delightful scent again..
will I ever hear your name without thinking of how badly I want you here with me..
will I ever be able to..live again?
I wonder..
Wednesday 17th September 2014 3:54 am
Baby, I think I might be falling..catch me?
written: 8/8/14
Baby, I think I might be falling.
I have never felt this way before.
I have this feeling in my chest..
that just won't seem to let me rest.
I can't seem to catch my breath.
I think this may be my death.
Baby, I think I might be falling.
..catch me?
Tuesday 9th September 2014 4:11 am
written: 8/20/14
People are such selfish creatures.
They say they love picking flowers.
But when you pick a flower, you kill it.
People take another living things life,
just so they can have the pleasure of looking at it.
People pick things, and will pick them, untill they destory everything
..and that, is just so very sad.
Thursday 21st August 2014 3:46 am
written: 6/28/14
The saddest thing to see is someone else who is hurt the same way you are,
you have no idea how to help them, because you can't even help yourself.
Wednesday 20th August 2014 2:04 am
Painful Poison
written: 7/16/14
These raindrops
that slide slowly
down my window,
remind me of
my aching heart,
as it pumps its
painful poison
throughout my entire body.
Saturday 16th August 2014 5:56 pm
Best friend
written: 7/19/14
I don't like making new friends
..because I know what it feels like
to lose the one most important to you.
Thursday 14th August 2014 7:12 pm
The Cycle
written: 6/6/14
Life is just a never ending cycle
of the saddest memories of your past,
and the hopes for your future.
but you see,
this cycle never ends
because in the end,
your hopes for your future
turn into the saddest memories of your past.
Thursday 14th August 2014 7:16 am
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