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Rising Waters

soft rolling waves 
brushing the shoreline 
come hurling. warmth

that used to make 
your blood boil makes you 
recoil deeper 

from all that you 
have felt and long to 
feel. digging deep

into the sand 
to push it away, 
you recoil 

into yourself. 
this was not part of 
the plan; moving

to the city 
to be part of the 
scene, only to

find you’re constantly 

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Calming Waters

Waves crashing

in and out

up and down

pushing and pulling


A knock on the door

beating louder and louder

waking my fibers

restless and unrelenting


Louder it knocks

heartbeat pulsing

anxiety levels rising

these fears in me won't subside


Breathing in and out

imagining the waves 

the calming waters 

I am one with them

and how they rise aga...

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