breunig (Remove filter)
Poem: The Manger Is Still Empty
Long ago, a Savior was born
and hidden within a humble birth;
covered with the cloak of humanity,
His presence impacted this earth.
Although we remember His birthday,
know that Christ is no longer a child;
He stopped being an infant, who was…
helpless, quiet, tender and mild.
He grew in strength and wisdom;
He demonstrated His holy authority;
He lived as He divinely taught;
He set t...
Thursday 11th December 2014 4:32 pm
Poem: By His Grace
By His grace, we are wonderfully saved;
know that we shall live… beyond the grave.
Through Salvation’s gift, our sins are waived
and upon His palms, our names are engraved.
Faith doesn’t spring from human nature,
nor is it something that we can nurture.
In His efficacious grace, we can be sure -
for Truth is borne out, within the Scriptures.
Author Notes
Loosely based on...
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:30 pm
Poem: Colored People
Do you realize that races are overrated,
since God is no respecter of persons?
Colored perceptions of hatred and bigotry
may ultimately destroy our existence.
Who needs people that:
• Lack brotherly love and respect for others
• Lust for power, wealth and domination
• Lack vision and purpose
• Lack maturity and wisdom
• Have attitudes of superiority
• Are poor in spirit
• Lack ...
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:28 pm
Poem: Golden Rule
I’m gently reminded of an old lesson,
that takes me back to Sunday School;
something, we’ve seem to have forgotten,
is living by the Bible’s “golden rule”.
For walking in God’s, true Love
towards others is always fashionable.
Remember! He has promised us strength
to operate under His “Christian label”.
When abiding by the principles of His Word,
we are able to treat others properly.
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:25 pm
Poem: Toxic Doctrines
Are your ears being tickled?
Is your soul’s carnality being fed?
Are you running on the wrong path?
Are you blindly being led?
What is your theology?
What do you really believe?
Where will you spend eternity?
Does The Word match… what you perceive?
Continually, out of your mouth,
the desires of your heart flow;
understand your true motivation;
move beyond the Church’s status quo.
Wednesday 26th November 2014 4:04 pm
Poem: Intellectual Postulations
Sadly, there are many intellectual postulations
that are well meaning, but fatally flawed.
One can only end up with an unholy mixture from…
combining Man’s religious views with God’s Law.
Beyond the constraints of the mental realm,
the human template of thought cannot contain God.
Yet after more than two thousand years of Church,
lessons are still not learned; so it’s not odd…
to see a...
Thursday 20th November 2014 3:21 pm
Poem: These Earthly Things
Lord, the possessions of Earth
have no permanent grip on my soul;
help me to focus solely on You,
knowing that everything else will fade…
into the background, from my view.
Lord, the knowledge of Your Kingdom
has been slowly seeping into my spirit;
my heart longs for new songs to sing.
Help me to absorb more of Your ways,
while I forget about… these earthly things.
Author N...
Thursday 20th November 2014 3:14 pm
Poem: Vastness of the Kingdom
How can mortals completely envision heaven?
Exploring the fullness of what we’ll see,
will surely take many human lifetimes,
in order to take in… all things of eternity.
Whatever God has prepared for us -
conceived from infinite possibilities,
the sight of its beauty lies beyond our mental grasp,
whose description, exceeds one’s vocabulary.
What is the secret name reserved for me?
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:28 pm
Poem: Oasis
O Lord, my spirit is weakened and parched,
from trudging through this present wilderness.
Send down on me Your abundant showers,
which are scented with Christ’s righteousness.
Transform the dry soil of my life;
please renew my strength and sustain me;
let my joy bloom once more with Your splendor;
keep my eyesight focused solely on Thee.
Rescue me from the encroachment of ignorance;
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:26 pm
Poem: Chaff Removal
Oh my Lord, once again I’m before you,
begging that You sift my heart.
Insure the chaff of my life is blown away,
while allowing the kernels of Your truth
to be planted in me, for the purpose of bearing…
spiritual fruit that delights You.
The door of my heart has been unhinged;
You may enter my threshing mill anytime –
even if You need to wake me.
Lift me up and shake me without ceasing,
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:24 pm
Poem: The Full Beauty of Thee
Lately, life has been rough and coarse;
how have I strayed off course?
Be my light and show the way,
for You alone are Love’s real source.
O my Lord, please touch me
with Your spiritual purity!
Open my eyes, that I may see…
the full beauty of Thee.
Cure me of my blindness,
as I wander in this wilderness;
meet me where I am,
with Your loving kindness.
O my Lord, please touch me
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:47 pm
Poem: And God Spoke!
Frankly, it’s still seems quite odd
to debate the religion of Science
with regard to the existence of God.
Within the vacuum of deep space,
we know that there was an invisible force
that caused the “Big Bang” to take place.
Calculating the Universe’s starting point
can’t explain “why” we’re here on this planet,
despite pretty charts and graphs of datapoints.
Principles of Science ca...
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:45 pm
Poem: Embryonic Ideal
How can I change the World that I see,
unless I’m willing to begin with me?
Sharing the Word via the use of Godly platitudes
fails to work with the wrong heart’s attitude.
As human, we’re all inherently flawed;
we all need God’s grace and to not be judged by His law.
Although the world is in a hurting mess,
there's help available for these times of distress.
We have within us the ability t...
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:42 pm
Poem: Sator Squares
It’s very surprising that “SATOR Squares”
seem to appear everywhere
the mighty Roman army had gone;
can they together, really belong?
Can anyone else see
inside this puzzle’s mystery?
It’s been learned that it’s not a game
and a truth, always remains the same.
Known is the square’s earliest evidence –
Can it be a mere coincidence,
that it was found in a retired soldie...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:45 pm
Poem: Way of The Cross
Tis important to remember,
the holy Standard that was set for us!
Its purchase was selflessly made
by our beloved Christ Jesus.
Upon Calvary, this single sacrifice
of Jehovah’s perfect, atoning Lamb
completely demonstrates the truest form of Love
from our God, the Great I Am.
Lord, we may not entirely comprehend,
how Your ways are superior to our own,
but we need to realize that we’r...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:40 pm
Poem: Enabling Success
God’s heavenly desires and ways
are much higher than our own.
Spiritual maturity is required
to reach towards His holy throne.
Hidden within the Scriptures
is a common, universal theme –
Application of Biblical principles
is needed to achieve our earthly dreams.
Under guidance of the Spirit,
prophets captured God’s intended plan;
laid out to see was Yahweh’s vision –
for the true su...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:37 pm
Poem: True Contentment
Know God and know peace,
leaning not on your own understanding.
Earthly troubles will never cease -
Use faith to quell the inner longing.
Regardless of your circumstance,
you are empowered to be an overcomer.
Rejoice in the midst of difficulties;
in His Presence, find holy favor.
He has promised to supply our needs!
Things can not fill the hole of one’s heart.
Cleanse your mind with ...
Thursday 23rd October 2014 5:26 pm
Poem: Teach Me to Pray
Lord, create in me a clean heart
and teach me how to pray.
Sow your righteousness into me;
keep my soul from going astray.
Allow me to tap into Your spiritual strength.
Open my ears – to the words, You now say!
Quench this inner longing of human desire;
help me to obey Your commands without delay.
Humbled by Your awesome Presence
and reminded of my frail vulnerability,
I bring myself...
Thursday 23rd October 2014 5:20 pm
Poem: Called To Worship
Remember the Lord, your God;
He can turn your mourning into dancing.
Refrain from being silent!
Honor Him with continual praising.
Renew your life, mind and conscience,
by spiritually touching God’s realm;
conquer all of life’s obstacles
and prevent your soul from being overwhelmed.
Stand firm – you are redeemed!
Your obligation is to never forget,
that you’ve inherited a sacred mission;
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:15 pm
Poem: Daily Intercession
What an amazing sight, it must be!
Seeing Christ seated on His throne,
as He offers a continual covering on behalf
of those that He considers His own.
Many have often wondered ‘why’,
as observed in the following question:
If Christ’s mission on Earth was fulfilled,
then ‘Why does He make for us daily intercession?’
Beside Jehovah, robed in holy righteousness,
Christ, our personal defe...
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:13 pm
Poem: Celestial Lodestone
Above us is the Celestial Lodestone,
the universal point of spiritual reference.
As a stalwart of magnetic attraction,
He constantly draws men unto Himself.
Dynamic in nature and unchanging in purpose,
His principles are adaptable for all situations.
The foundation of His Word is solid;
His Truth is filled with plenty of promise.
Raise your eyes! Look up!
He is always ready to be found;
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:10 pm
Poem: Between Two Thieves
Under the duress of the sacrificial Cross
and positioned between two thieves,
the culmination of grace for the World
was granted - via Jehovah’s heavenly reprieve.
Surrounded by the stench of death,
Christ uttered famous words of forgiveness;
enduring human suffocation with each dying breath,
His Light steadfastly opposed foreboding darkness.
His heart was forcefully punctured,
by a s...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:23 pm
Poem: Walls Tumbled Down
Man-made structures can’t last
against the blows of a spiritual blast.
As demonstrated at Jericho, walls tumbled down;
its destruction was truly inevitable!
For it was illegally stationed on holy ground.
Inside out, God moves on our heart from within;
subtly He motivates us to have Him purge our sin.
Against the barriers of our personal defense,
His Holy Spirit continually and lovingly f...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:21 pm
Poem: A Psalm for the Prisoner
O Lord, hear my simple cry;
set this weary captive free!
For I’m condemned by my past,
imprisoned by the dungeon of me.
Break the restraints of attachment
that are distressing my soul -
Destroy the chains of my ignorance,
which continue to undermine Your control.
Forcefully storm the stony gates
that shelter the stronghold of my heart.
Let the destructive plague be swept away!
I thi...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:19 pm
Poem: Beware the Antichrist
Heed this warning: Beware the Antichrist!
We know from Christ’s revelation to Man,
that the ‘End Times’ officially began in 1948
with Israel reclaiming their ancestral land.
Be aware and be not deceived.
For this evil soul shall rise up - from obscurity.
Out from the descendants of Dan
the World will take notice of Satan’s emissary.
Although the Antichrist should be easy to spot,
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:53 pm
Poem: Remembering Pentecost
On that fateful day of Pentecost,
power came down from on high.
For it originated with God’s presence
and His Kingdom, that’s far beyond our sky.
The ascension of Christ had been witnessed,
with Him clearly rising above the clouds;
He was no longer bound by planetary constraint
and the opinionated amazement of the crowd.
Upon the Earth, a violent breeze blew;
it brought forth ‘winds o...
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:47 pm
Poem: Comes the Rain
Water laden clouds burst!
Here now, comes the rain,
but I’m loving the ‘liquid sunshine’
and ignoring the weather’s torrential bane.
Despite deluges of Life’s storms,
enjoy humanity and have some fun.
Now comes the rain, washing over us anew,
as the Spirit of the Father’s Son.
Now comes the reign of Christ -
Embrace Him and His Holiness!
Be protected by the Rock’s cleft
and submerge...
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:45 pm
Poem: Draw Closer to God
Draw closer to God
and He will draw nigh unto thee,
provided you’re willing to…
demonstrate actual honesty.
For He can always see
intentions written upon one’s heart.
Stop playing games and come clean;
otherwise, His Spirit may soon depart.
Jehovah transcends the boundaries of time;
So to Him, there is nothing new under the sun.
Start by freely accepting Salvation’s gift,
which was ...
Thursday 25th September 2014 6:08 pm
Poem: Green Card
Like many other Christians,
I’m living here on Earth temporarily;
ask to see my “spiritual green card” -
For my citizenship is with Christ’s eternity.
Being a stranger in a foreign land
makes me a heavenly ambassador,
serving a lifelong assignment
on a Godly pilgrimage as His sojourner.
Earth is not my final home -
For I strive to overcome temptations of Earth;
found in my identity w...
Thursday 25th September 2014 6:03 pm
Poem: Release the Songbird in Me
O my Lord of mercy and grace -
I desire to write more spiritual verse,
while flying on your notes of blessings
and overcoming Mankind’s sin curse.
My heart’s singing of your joy,
as You feed me by Your hand
the fullness of Thy melodic Word;
thus enabling… my ability to understand.
O Lord, give flight to my words
while I’m attuned to Your Spirit –
May Your message reach weary souls
Thursday 25th September 2014 6:01 pm
Poem: The Dark Heretic
In diligent search of God
was the dark heretic,
a master of the natural world
and our father of modern physics.
In defiance of the Church
stood Sir Isaac Newton alone,
cloistered in his office, clinging…
To personal beliefs, of his own.
Interest in “The End Times”
was his lifelong, secret mission -
His papers were intentionally hidden,
from recognizing the gravity of his situation.
Thursday 4th September 2014 5:36 pm
When Will You Come?
Oh my Lord –
When will You come?
Will I be found, before my earthly life is done?
Will I experience Your Resurrection Power
and observe how sin You have conquered & devoured?
It’s a win-win scenario, for me, in any case –
As I long to see Your radiance, revealed at Heaven’s pace.
To enter Your gates with humble willingness
is real, knowing that I’m clothed by Your Righteousness.
Thursday 4th September 2014 5:21 pm
Poem: Show of Hands
Despite the differences of skin color
and our cultural upbringings,
we're more than brothers of Mankind -
Technically, we're kin.
Go to the mountain
preserved by ice and snow
where the revelation of Ararat's secret
is available for everyone to know.
For the ark's existence
proves the global flood story is true
and being our brother's keeper...
Is still a right thing to do.
Thursday 28th August 2014 4:28 pm
Poem: Drawn To You
The softness of Your quiet voice
penetrates my spirit with utmost clarity –
For being drawn to you
comes more than naturally.
The constant woes of earthly cares
lack all meaning and worth
when I’m consumed by Your presence
and experience my spiritual rebirth.
Despite the magnificent beauty
of this planet’s garden fields,
I would willingly exchange it
for the brilliance that Heaven y...
Thursday 28th August 2014 4:26 pm
Poem: Captivated By The Light
My inner desire is to be...
Free from the continuing burden
of my soul's carnality.
For I wish to be liberated
from the snares of sin's grip
and be forever emancipated.
Truly, I'm captivated by The Light
that shines eternally into my spirit
and erases my heart's love of Earthly delights.
Fulfillment of my life's emptiness
is only met by a spiritual purpose
with God's call to His H...
Thursday 28th August 2014 4:22 pm
Poem: Dust (Humor)
Those disembodied remnants,
Earthly remains of unknown souls,
are now assembled at my doorstep.
Having piqued my attention,
who are these unwelcome houseguests?
Loved ones or Nordic heroes
who were consumed in funeral pyres?
How old are these molecules
that have been forever scattered
during these past centuries?
Unwanted leftovers of human containers,
eaten by microscopic mites,
Thursday 21st August 2014 6:18 pm
Behind the Poem: Enjoy This Season
Now that people are becoming more aware of my poetic efforts, interests are being expressed regarding the background of my poetry - in addition, to my spiritual muse. In this installment, I share a blurb regarding my poem "Enjoy This Season".
Lots of people like to surmise about the idea of living in a different period of recorded humanity, such as: Italy's Renaissance (circa 1400-1600 ad), the...
Thursday 21st August 2014 6:16 pm
Poem: Human Matrix
Forcing an alignment of corporate resources
for some theory of best fit correlation
doesn't work on Kingdom People
when using an unspoken method of tabulation.
If Life is about true spiritual growth,
then why do ministries attempt to pigeon-hole
not making any allowances for us
to develop, expand and break our current mold?
Despite multitudes of outcome possibilities
the Church seems ...
Thursday 14th August 2014 5:37 pm
Behind the Poem: Enoch
Now that people are becoming more aware of my poetic efforts, interests are being expressed regarding the background of my poetry - in addition, to my spiritual muse. In this installment, I speak to a poem that ends in a direction, not initially considered...
I've attended Church services for more than 3.5 decades; as a youth, I was raised in a Baptist Church (in southern Maine). For those unfa...
Thursday 14th August 2014 5:34 pm
Behind the Poem: Evening Sky
Now that people are becoming more aware of my poetic efforts, interests are being expressed regarding the background of my poetry - in addition, to my spiritual muse. One never knows exactly when the Spirit of God will move on your soul; fortunately I was paying a little bit of attention, one cold winter night...
I've been a member of the IT (Information Technology) community since June of 1981...
Thursday 14th August 2014 5:29 pm
Poem: Eternal Wellspring
Wellspring of spiritual water,
It's bubbling inside me.
Gently soothes my bruised soul -
Covering Life's pain of mystery.
Unseen surging river,
Courses through body mortal -
Renewing my energy,
Forced through this open portal.
Full to overflowing,
Come stand next to me,
Let the excess splash on you -
To prime your own jubilee.
This internal source,
Never shall run dry;
For Hope...
Thursday 14th August 2014 5:27 pm
Poem: Experiencing God
Experiencing God directly, is the way to go –
Be submerged in His Spirit, under His heavenly flow.
The lighted path to absolute freedom and peace
is accomplished from following Jehovah’s method of release.
The keys to Life’s issues are written in The Word;
open up your soul so the message can be heard.
God’s plan for your life will be ultimately revealed,
provided to Him you submit and your...
Thursday 7th August 2014 5:11 pm
Poem: No Elaborate Pretense
Please forgive the simplicity of rhyme,
for I wish to be clear and take my time.
It’s never been “pc” to be Christian in any century,
out of step with the World, in what ones does or sees.
Having ideals may make me seem pompous,
even though I have no desire to impress.
I’m attempting to follow a Heavenly Plan,
by being a godly steward and serving fellow Man.
What I write from the h...
Thursday 7th August 2014 5:07 pm
Haikus: Exerpt #4 from: Hook, Line & Haiku
Breaching the surface
largemouth jumps up to see if...
It can hold its breath.
The pregnant fishes
lounge upon the riverbed
waiting to give birth.
Dancing smallmouth bass
pirouettes around boat
looking for handouts.
Learning never ends!
For even the fish will stay...
Forever in school.
Protective coating:
Slimy perspective to us;
Life saving to them.
Thursday 7th August 2014 5:06 pm
Haikus: Exerpt #3 from: Hook, Line & Haiku
Hasta la pasta?
Annoying filament knots
of spaghetti spools.
The squeals of delight
flow from all fishing children
with uncontained joy.
Sounds of spinning spools
always brings me much comfort,
for I'm not at work.
Floating down the stream?
Not a dream, after dropping...
A bag of bobbers.
In early morning
anxious fish are awaiting
the autumn school bells.
Thursday 31st July 2014 7:43 pm
Haikus: Exerpt #2 from: Hook, Line & Haiku
Lures, flies and spinners
provide variety for
multiple techniques.
Casting carefree lines
the sportsmen and women look...
For fishy hook-ups.
Moonlight over pines -
Adds a touch of elegance
to nighttime fishing.
Daytime sea trollers
combine leisure travel
and hands-free fishing.
The ignorant fish -
Unaware of keepers of...
Life's aquarium.
Author Note:
Thursday 31st July 2014 7:41 pm
Haikus: Exerpt #1 from: Hook, Line & Haiku
Cool flowing waters
cater me with plenty of...
Aquatic playmates.
Smallmouth and largemouth -
Either kind acceptable,
if they are landed.
Get them in the boat!
Fishing stories without proof
are just plain-faced lies.
Imitating bugs?
Fishing is an art form of...
Posing as insects.
The splashing fishes
are vying for attention
during school's recess.
Thursday 31st July 2014 7:39 pm
Poem: Enoch
Enoch was a dynamic soul
who truly sought God’s heart;
as a result of revelation knowledge
being imparted unto him,
God plucked him from the earth
so that he was “no more.”
Since Jehovah is no respecter of persons
and there is “nothing new under the sun”,
then why do we know only of a single individual
who was transported to heaven in the same manner
without experiencing an earthly demis...
Friday 25th July 2014 12:29 pm
Poem: Matthew 19:26 (A Senryu)
Impossible tasks -
Can not be achieved by Man,
but by God Himself!
Author Note:
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Friday 25th July 2014 12:28 pm
Poem: White Flag
Years ago, while still a teenager,
a white flag in my heart I waved;
for I tendered a total surrender
to the Lord on the day I was saved.
From Salvation’s message properly explained,
my spirit easily recognized absolute Truth;
so my desire towards Christ was ignited
with acceptance of Him in my childhood’s youth.
Learning from others’ mistakes
and reading the Word with diligence,
in ...
Friday 25th July 2014 12:26 pm
Poem: Heavenly Invitation
Written down is God's Word;
we are encouraged to be heavenly, joint heirs.
So examine His Word for Truth's proof,
for His wish is that 'we join Him there'.
Jehovah first gave of Himself,
breathing Life into Man's creation.
Now He is waiting patiently...
And anticipating a grand celebration.
Final merging of the family tree
are earthly souls and angelic beings;
hear the chorus of prai...
Thursday 17th July 2014 3:42 pm
Poem: Sunday Soldier
At the end of yet another week,
weary soldiers are huddled behind church doors,
reminiscing about the recent past with outlook bleak -
Not knowing that Life can offer so much more.
Military plans for Earth's invasion are held
by the Kingdom priests, trying to comprehend
the message of scriptural persuasion
for bringing captive lives to Godly release.
Between berating and war counsel cr...
Thursday 17th July 2014 3:39 pm
Poem: Lasting Hope (sequel to New Age Spirituality)
~~Satan is a defeated foe
although he continues to fight -
For we are more than conquerors,
as soldiers in God's army of Light.
His earthly authority has been weakened
since Christ now possesses the keys of Death and Hell;
so we're to prayerfully "stand in the gap"
as we in His Presence strive to dwell.
Our lasting Hope is embodied by Christ alone;
He died to prove His Love as a frien...
Thursday 17th July 2014 3:37 pm
Poem: Morning Star
Lord, You are the only Morning Star.
Nothing else compares to your brilliance,
a penetrating light that pierces...
...the darkness of our hearts
...the blackness of our sins
...the abyss of our human emotion
Being the source of Dunamis power,
You shine an eternal beam of radiance.
For unlike other stars, You'll never burn out.
Author Note:
Learn more about me and my p...
Thursday 29th May 2014 7:10 pm
Poem: Higher Ground
On God's holy mountain
I traverse a spiral path
of an upward climb
towards His higher ground.
My progress varies between
arduously slow and immoderately fast,
while trying to avoid same mistakes
that keep me in a circle going round.
Rockslides are temporary obstacles
that can only impede, but...
Never prevent me from reaching the peak
where one day, I'll be found.
Thursday 29th May 2014 7:08 pm
Poem: No Earthly Good
Being so heavenly minded
and of no earthly good
is a dichotomy of attitude to avoid,
as one must and should.
Solutions to Life's problems
become evident with clear thinking,
when grounded on divine principles
for the purpose of practical living.
The Standard has been defined
for all Kingdom residents -
Walk in abundance, be a blessing to others
as shown by Christ's precedent.
By ...
Thursday 29th May 2014 7:04 pm
Poem: Petitions to God
God does answer prayer
as many people have heard,
but His only obligation is
to honor His own Word.
He is always around
for requests of Salvation's Call;
His desire is to assist all lives
that have spiritually stalled.
He willingly meets our needs
and not necessarily our wants;
for asking in ignorance
doesn't sanction unmerited warrants.
Read and devour His Word;
hide His Princi...
Thursday 22nd May 2014 7:01 pm
Poem: Computer Geek
After twenty years, as cursed as I may be
for having learned computerese,
I continue to examine bits, bytes and words
and insure that I'm one of those computer nerds.
Program design, source code and compile
followed by walk-throughs that place me on trial.
There's lots of testing - a means to an end
in hopes of avoiding future production abends.
There are micros, minis and mainframe ha...
Thursday 22nd May 2014 6:58 pm
Poem: Chained to Myself
To Nature's old self I cling,
although I should be a new creation
and enjoy the blessings that it brings.
I'm bound as a passive prisoner
wholly contained within my soul,
while personal chains constrict even tighter.
Jacob Marley would have been proud,
as I've forged my own binding links
that strangle the life force, which is continually cast down.
The freedom that I crave
won't be...
Thursday 22nd May 2014 6:55 pm
Poem: Losing Myself
Cuddling with my beloved
under the warmth of satin sheets,
I gently sense the merging of souls
as our bodies become one flesh.
Fingertip sensations reflect the excitement
that are already stirred within my spirit.
During these sweet times of intimacy,
I'm losing myself as a fading light
in the ultimate desire of Love,
as the moments are embedded
softly into our memories.
Thursday 15th May 2014 7:35 pm
Poem: Lot's Wife
Not wanting to be rescued
from the twin, sin cities,
she's unwillingly led away
by a man she barely loves and pities.
Unable to follow God's direction
and her husband's leadership,
she succumbs to her heart's lust
for a final look, as the horizon dips.
Governed by Jezebel's spirit,
having forgotten that Jehovah honors His Word,
she's transformed into a pillar of salt
for a life no l...
Thursday 15th May 2014 7:32 pm
Poem: Chronic Indecision
Going my own selfish way,
based on the ignorance
of my false understanding,
leads directly to my downfall.
For chronic indecision
counteracts God's divine help,
as I traverse the narrow path -
Walking boldly and tall.
My Salvation is not achieved
by what I do or go through -
For I'm mindful of His Guidance
to accomplish a role that is small.
I desire to live a life of Faith
Thursday 15th May 2014 7:29 pm
Poem: Come Forth!
In the quiet town of Bethany
lived two sisters and one brother;
they were Mary, Martha and Lazarus -
people deeply loved by Christ, as none other.
Unexpectedly, Lazarus fell terminally sick;
begging that He not tarry and be late,
multiple messages were urgently sent
forgetting that we upon the Lord must wait.
To justify feelings of utmost despair
the sisters individually met the Chris...
Thursday 8th May 2014 7:10 pm
Poem: Can You Really Love Me So?
Inexplicably, my presence invokes your smile
in instances of pure and uncontained joy.
Can You Really Love Me So?
I dare not ask this question aloud -
fearful that you won't confirm our union.
Being together is magical for me;
each shared moment illuminates my life
with Hope's brightest light.
I dare not ask this question aloud -
Can You Really Love Me So?
Our natural chemistry i...
Thursday 8th May 2014 7:07 pm
Poem: Nakedness of Life
Out from the darkness,
having a lifestyle that's plain to see,
I'm standing fully in the Light
of God's transparency.
I have no hidden agendas,
nor malicious motives;
my heavenly light is set upon a hill,
shining as a diminutive votive.
I'm a human jar of clay,
desiring true spiritual brokenness;
for God's vessels draw men to Him,
via the sparkling of His Holiness.
For the nakedn...
Thursday 8th May 2014 7:04 pm
Work In Progress
This body is imperfect and flawed,
originating from earthly dust;
it houses a spirit searching to find
the one, true God in which to trust.
To see myself as Yahweh does,
requires mustard seed of Faith's leap
and to take tangible action
since people know that "talk is cheap".
Separated unto holiness
to accomplish His Purpose and Plan
while sharing the Salvation Message
is the whole...
Thursday 24th April 2014 7:03 pm
Original Sins
Those multitudes of sin are
variations on a theme -
A reflection of the heart's wickedness
and all the evil that Satan deems.
He himself, suffering from hatefulness and hurt,
does exploit physicality's weakness in Man.
For Satan's attacks continue from his being -
Eternally condemned and forever damned.
In a false semblance of our God,
the count of unique sins is three
in a twisted...
Thursday 24th April 2014 7:01 pm
Poem: Unfinished Is...
Unfinished is the fine tuning of me,
as I perform in this human drama,
which is covered by a spiritual mystery.
Participating without a script,
I'm stumbling forward in a lifelong excursion,
although I'm not fully equipped.
In this paradise, that's known as Earth,
I'm a curious child of wonderment
and working towards my supernatural rebirth.
Despite my growth of understanding,
I wi...
Thursday 24th April 2014 6:58 pm
Poem: Lord, You Are...
Lord, You are my strength,
whenever I'm completely weak.
You are the spiritual delight
in Whom I only seek.
Lord, You are my morning light
that's shining above the mountain peaks.
You are my hungering desire -
For each day of every week.
Lord, You are my vigilant Father
over earthly trials through which I eke.
Please keep me mindful of Your Word,
so my attitude remains... humble and...
Thursday 17th April 2014 11:38 pm
Poem: Standard of Cooperation
A simple army of ants
in silent cooperation and unity,
quickly work side-by-side -
Setting an example for humanity.
From Scriptural advice
we're instructed to observe
the behavior of these insects
and see value from learning to serve.
Achieving the colony's purpose
and focusing on its common mission,
labor is given for the greater good
via its natural instinct of unison.
For much...
Thursday 17th April 2014 11:35 pm
Poem: Game Theory
In Life's matrix of possibilities,
outcomes can be reduced to an array -
For the mixture of cursing and blessing correlates
directly to choices not carefully weighed.
With God on one axis
and Satan on the other,
challenges from many of Life's trials
have various payouts, from one cell to another.
From the earthly consequences,
which are the result of our actions,
we're ultimately res...
Thursday 17th April 2014 11:33 pm
Poem: Spoken Word
Being unable to participate
during the worship service
is a poor spiritual sign.
Unwillingness to offer praise,
while standing in His Presence,
shows a deficient of new wine.
For the obvious silence
reveals an apparent lack of Faith
and failure to know God's design.
A desire of heavenly passion
cannot resonate from within,
when not letting your love for Him to shine.
For the ...
Thursday 10th April 2014 6:09 pm
Poem: Prayer Scented Incense
Do you realize?
After birthing heart-felt prayers,
have you seen them rise as sweet perfume?
For their glorious scent fills God's nostrils
as His Presence consumes Heaven's throne room.
Do you know?
Our Father covets this sacred incense,
that burns in the cries of His Children.
He is forever mindful of us
and our continuing battle for overcoming sin.
Do you want answers?
Thursday 10th April 2014 6:07 pm
Poem: Silent Tears
To willingly lay down one's life
for the redemption of all others
is an immeasurable sacrifice.
More painful than His Suffering
were the silent tears
that stained the Savior's cheeks
in memoriam
of those who rejected Him.
Author Notes:
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Thursday 3rd April 2014 4:22 pm
Poem: For Just One Day
For just one day, I'd like to see
a tour of God's throne room and His glassy sea.
Or perhaps to take a leisurely stroll
among heavenly streets made from purest gold.
Maybe I'd glimpse the pearly gates,
to find out who is really standing in wait.
Another option would be to find
the stately mansion that's eventually mine.
But seeing the Savior from afar
and observing the glory of the Mornin...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 4:20 pm
Poem: Cleanse Me Lord
Oh, my Lord...
Once again I'm dirty with sin.
I need to cleanse my fallen mind
with the beauty of your Word.
My desire is turned towards You -
Yet my flesh remains weak,
reflecting a lack of discipline.
Please chastise me, your child
and spare not your rod of correction.
Cover me with your forgiveness and grace
as I begin anew each day, trying to mature.
Oh, my Lord... please cl...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 4:17 pm
Captivated By The Light
My inner desire is to be...
Free from the continuing burden
of my soul's carnality.
For I wish to be liberated
from the snares of sin's grip
and be forever emancipated.
Truly, I'm captivated by The Light
that shines eternally into my spirit
and erases my heart's love of Earthly delights.
Fulfillment of my life's emptiness
is only met by a spiritual purpose
with God's call to His H...
Thursday 27th March 2014 6:52 pm
Green Meadows
Beneath the shadow
of the Great Shepherd's staff,
in the green lushness of Life's plateau,
my spirit continues to laugh.
Despite the dumbness of this sheep
to His voice I've heeded.
For God's Love is greater than deep
and to His Principles, I've conceded.
My life is filled with abundance
beyond mortal imagination.
Enjoying protection from circumstance
came from obeying rules of His ...
Thursday 27th March 2014 6:50 pm
Grace and Love
Unmerited favor of God
flows continually
and without interruption,
when you are a child of His.
His Love for us is...
Unquestionably unconditional;
however, His Grace is not.
Grace and Love are not equivalent -
We must not endeavor
to confuse these concepts.
God's Word is always steadfast
and is an unmovable truth.
Author Notes:
The standard definition of grace is "unmerite...
Thursday 27th March 2014 6:48 pm
Poem: Exit Strategy
You've lived a life of uncounted days
and your spirit is ready to leave;
but are you ready for the hereafter,
if in God, you don't believe?
For when your spirit and soul separate,
opportunity is gone, as the body decays.
Since our mortal time is not guaranteed,
begin a relationship with Him today.
Regarding your earthly departure,
do you have an Exit Strategy?
Will you be ready to fi...
Thursday 20th March 2014 5:10 pm
Poem: Daily Bread
Beyond the lost days of manna,
all nutrition I'll ever need
was given to me at birth
with the implantation of spiritual seed.
An enabling inner spark,
combined with soul's hungering emptiness,
allowed me to find divine connection
and a path towards Your Holiness.
Thank You Lord for Your Daily Bread
that feeds my spirit and sustains my soul;
for feasting on Your Word everyday
is the ...
Thursday 20th March 2014 5:09 pm
Poem: And He Whispered...
Trying to understand
my place in this complicated world,
my soul was sorely troubled -
And He whispered to me softly.
Trying to comprehend
my divine purpose within His Family,
my desires were unfocused -
And He whispered to me gently.
By giving myself completely to Him,
I found absolute abundance
that's sustained by Salvation's foundation -
And He whispered to me quietly...
Thursday 20th March 2014 5:02 pm
Poem: White for Harvest
Fields are white for harvest
with souls rotting on the vines;
graft them into the Kingdom now,
while there is still time.
Fullness of Life's abundance is available,
when connected to the True Vine;
but how to reach others when -
Christians don't heed the warning signs?
Workers may not be plentiful,
yet, faithful ones always find the fruit;
productive lives are highly visible
from em...
Thursday 13th March 2014 5:07 pm
Poem: Why Would You Love Me?
Oh, my Lord...
Why would You love me?
Your greatness exceeds human comprehension
and Your wealth surpasses the Earth's riches.
In Your mind's eye, my life has been viewed
and my judgment awaits its sentencing.
Before my existence, Your Blood was cruelly shed -
spilled for my sins, both conceived and committed.
You made Yourself vulnerable to man's hatred
for saving flawed souls, such ...
Thursday 13th March 2014 5:04 pm
Poem: Drawn To You
The softness of Your quiet voice
penetrates my spirit with utmost clarity -
For being drawn to you
comes more than naturally.
The constant woes of earthly cares
lack all meaning and worth
when I'm consumed by Your presence
and experience my spiritual rebirth.
Despite the magnificent beauty
of this planet's garden fields,
I would willingly exchange it
for the brilliance that Heaven y...
Thursday 13th March 2014 5:01 pm
Poem: Brought to Enlightenment
We must learn to do
and not weakly try;
for with Christ, all is possible -
Just stop asking "Why?"
Bow before Him on bended knees,
for His Ways are superior to ours.
Spend quality time in prayer
and not simply waste precious hours.
To be brought to enlightenment,
one must learn on his own.
Yet, the secret is simply this -
Go before God and His Throne.
Author Note:
Thursday 6th March 2014 4:34 pm
Poem: Fragile, Flawed and Easily Broken
Despite imperfections of this body,
my shell is an earthen clay jar
that's fragile, flawed and easily broken,
letting the Light of Christ shine.
Though not pretty on the outside,
I won't be mistaken
for a white-washed tomb -
God can use my weakness
to display His greatness.
I've chosen to be submitted
to His Will and Plan for my life.
In spite of exterior chips, dings and nicks,
Thursday 6th March 2014 4:31 pm
Poem: New Age Spirituality
Why settle for a counterfeit
when you can have the genuine thing?
For the purpose of "new age" spirituality
is replacing God with the Human Being.
Working from a false assumption
that Man is essentially good,
will lead us down destruction's path
as History has taught us, as it would.
The fight for supremacy
of our human souls
is still being waged by the Devil
under his planetary con...
Thursday 6th March 2014 4:27 pm
Poem: Immortality
Ahhh... Immortality.
After the death of my earthly flesh,
my spirit will fully embrace it.
For I'm truly made
in my Creator's Image
and filled with His Divine presence.
How can anyone doubt...
The premise of my logic?
Ahhh... Immortality.
Author Note:
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
...Saturday 1st March 2014 3:00 pm
Poem: Show of Hands
Despite the differences of skin color
and our cultural upbringings,
we're more than brothers of Mankind -
Technically, we're kin.
Go to the mountain
preserved by ice and snow
where the revelation of Ararat's secret
is available for everyone to know.
For the ark's existence
proves the global flood story is true
and being our brother's keeper...
Is still a right thing to do.
Saturday 1st March 2014 2:56 pm
Poem: The Cross, Stark and Still
Into the depths of untold depravity,
a perfect creation had fallen away;
unimagined grace poured out from our God above -
As His Hand of wrath was firmly stayed.
The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
subtly calls for the World's attention.
Since the dawn of everlasting time,
our Savior awaited His appointed day;
despite humanity's race to certain doom -
His Hand of...
Saturday 1st March 2014 2:49 pm
Today's Great Undead Poets
Today's great undead poets,
awash in the internet sea,
seek to fill the void of sensible emptiness
of our cyberspace world.
Following the heroic tradition of Man,
these daring individuals look to gain acceptance
through the expression of concepts.
Mirroring the virility and vitality of Life,
in defiance of critical naysayers,
the blankness of virtual paper
is scribbled upon with hurt, ho...
Friday 21st February 2014 3:03 pm
Poem: And Yet His Hand...
Despite the trials of this earthly world
and the continued foolishness of men,
God wants His Principles completely unfurled -
For He loves His Children, while hating sin.
His anger is not turned away
and yet His Hand is outstretched still.
Our Salvation awaits its appointed day
with the meshing of our spirits to His Will.
As long as we continue to breathe,
there's Hope for us to lovin...
Friday 21st February 2014 2:58 pm
Poem: For Your Review
Once my earthly journey is complete,
humbly I'll stand before Your judgment seat.
So in advance I faithfully pray to have
a positive ruling for you to mete.
Grace and mercy carried me;
Your covering on my life you should see.
Hopefully You'll remember that I
promoted Your Kingdom for eternity.
Despite flaws and failures absurd,
hidden in my heart is Your Holy Word.
An attitude of lif...
Friday 21st February 2014 2:53 pm
Poem: The Bridegroom Cometh
Preparations by the Groom have been completed;
He joyfully awaits the day
that marks the remainder of eternity
when the Church shall be swept away.
He has created a wondrous place
where rows of mansions are perfectly aligned.
Angels will sing beautiful songs
announcing souls' arrival; including yours and mine.
Despite imperfections of His bride,
the Lord daily intercedes with heartfel...
Wednesday 12th February 2014 5:48 pm
Poem: Human Behavior
It's hard to extol the merits of mankind
and to lavish excessive praise is insane;
recognize the gamut of vain emotion
and treatment of our brothers that's inhumane.
The natural nature of man is hardly good -
Proof is found in our vocabulary;
despite incredible accomplishments of this world,
poor relationships of man to extremes are still carried.
Our literature and news is littered
Wednesday 12th February 2014 5:47 pm
Poem: If I Were...
If I were...
truly illuminated, what would you see?
Could the brightness of Christ fully shine
and the persona of me disappear?
If I were...
gifted, in other unknown ways.
Would I be able to discover them
or would I choose to deny them anyway?
If I were...
blessed, beyond Earthly needs.
How much of myself would I be willing to share,
besides just money and possessions?
If I were....
Wednesday 12th February 2014 5:45 pm
Human Warranty
Etched into the soul's fine print
should be the motto "Handle with Care";
but Man's nature to ignore instruction
is manifested in Life's disrepair.
To have God's Word in written form
could be viewed as a "Human Warranty",
where divine ground rules for all
has abundance in the best that Life can be.
Author Note:
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Wednesday 5th February 2014 5:35 pm
Evening Sky
Gazing into a starry night,
I see a deep indigo sky
with perfect placement of twinkling light.
Stars reveal the expanse of time
from before the birth of humanity;
their existence came from dynamic energy
which was created by spoken word
that no man has ever heard.
Solitary spirit of awesome might
painted this heavenly canvas
with a flick of His hand and uttered thought.
Divine creation ...
Wednesday 5th February 2014 5:34 pm
Avoiding Hell?
Have you sealed your fate
with the rejection of Him?
Accept Christ now
before your life wears thin.
For in permanent separation
there's no God or peace -
Only continual torment and anguish
without any comfort or release.
Alone in the dark
as fallen angels without light,
you too will become a demon creature
lacking hope of spiritual sight.
Forget about Purgatory,
but make a decis...
Wednesday 5th February 2014 5:31 pm
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