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Covers face

Unknown eyes watching

Religious tolerance found wanting




Double standards

Stops the spread

Of disease and death


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covid 19day 23(84)double eleveniedouble standardsfearmasksnapowrimo2017religionreligous intolerancesafety




I have never felt so alone

As the time spent in November fogs

When I was not yet in my teens

Wrapped in heavy clothes

With hat down low

And scarf around my face


Cut off from the world

By this dense yellowing cloud

Unable to see more than a few feet

In front of you

And the hollow muffled sound

Of someone heading towards you


All other backgro...

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day23echofearfognapowrimo2018pea-soupersoundstrange world

The Lodger

The Lodger


We let him in

And he stayed


He had been pleading

Out there

Wanting somewhere to stay


At first we thought he was just like all the others

Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone


But no

He wanted to hang around


He was everywhere

Into everything

He made us change our daily routine

He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...

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napowrimo2020day 30covid 19lodgerreturnsecond spikefearin houseinfectionwarning

Night Scented Stock

Night Scented Stock




unfamiliar room

in a strange bed

full of creaks

eyes heavy lidded

from restless sleep

shadows dance

in corners

at the edge

of your peering.

silence hisses

as the house groans

branches prise

at the window frame

scratching out

their insistent cravings

in regular tattoos

heartbeat racing


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bed wettingchilds fearfearimaginationnightmaresstrange housestrange room

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