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day 23 (Remove filter)




Empty crucible

Once full of righteous fire

Now just grey ashes


The snake rears its head

Striking blindly at targets

That are imagined


Adopts power stance

Arms crossed - closed for argument

Pin head and big mouth

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napowrimo2020day 23usashape of letterstrumpamericatri-haiku

Nature's Banquet

Nature’s Banquet


I am the humble Wildebeest -

Mother Natures moving feast.

My mother warned “Don’t wander off

or you’ll end up a Lion’s scoff”.

Some folk call me a Gnu,

I’ve heard it all, there’s nothing new

In puns that you may decide to frame

around this inauspicious name.


I guess I’ll never have a life

of family bliss with kids and wife,

cause every da...

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 23wildebeestcullwildlife documentarynatureanimals

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