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Sheet metal city

Ruin, destruction, fire and fear

Now I know why they ran from here

The wounded and the dying lay under ground

Undergrowth in abundance spreading all around


Fizzing and whirring through the air, it gets closer and closer to end your fear


Mounds that were cities, ash that were people melt into snow

The seasons are two, left tattered and strewn

In this apocolyptic sight...

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Just an observation

Just a little social observation
Listening in to conversations
Cyber toxins being fed now they think they know best
Their actions appear to otherwise suggest
Metaphorically dropping bombs causing divide
The VIPs  betting on who dies and who survives

Dismantling families  brothers and sisters
Good men jailed for fighting a war based on outrage from Chinese whispers
They are false news fue...

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spreading false factswarriotsinjustice

Haiku for 2025 [No. 4. True Peace or Pieces?]

Seek truth and justice.

Absence of war’s mere pretence!

True peace, not pieces.

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Limerick for 2025 [No.3. Don't Mention the War!]

Don’t mention the war, when chez Basil,

one mentions the war at one’s peril:

it's the war Jerry started,

in Tom’s face he had farted:

yes, sauerkraut’s bouqet's far from floral!

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Le Grisou

On winter days, with frosted breath,

We wander to the warm, great hall

To see this sacred scene once more.

A mother mourns her perished son,

As mothers do across the world,

While washed-up men, most often old,

Pick off the innocent for sport.

Grouped women, tethered in their grief,

Mop up the personal effects,

Doused in their humid, sodden tears.

Soon, beyond anger, b...

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Have You?

I walk out into the lush green

To a tranquilizing Kargeen,

When a far gunshot shakes my soul

And the delicate trees lose their moles. 

In the presence of whose reign 

Is the humanity drowning in vain?


Some depend on War and Peace 

To realise the pragmatic fact that 

Conflicts can be dealt with ease,

While some still continued to tease,

Others relentlessly aimed t...

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