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suicide (Remove filter)

Captain My Captain

The wind seems to blow when the cold settles in.

Darkness will fall after shadows begin.

The end truly came long before you were through,

now everyone is going to miss you.


Captain, my captain now gone to the sky.

Words can’t describe all the reasons we cry.

The circle’s complete now, there’s no reason why.

Captain, my captain… goodbye.


…Tribute Robin Williams

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suicidemental illnesstragedy

Days End

The days don’t seem to give a damn,

they march in step of time.

They stare ahead with eyes of steel

while never breaking line.


They torture me with disregard,

they tread upon my soul.

They seem so unaware I’m here,

they simply come and go.


I once believed the day would come,

I hoped that it would give

the thing that I was searching for -

a reason I should...

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