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Winter (Remove filter)

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The Girl Who Sold The Stars

Beneath the aching winter’s shroud,

A child walked mute through the bustling crowd.

Her feet, bare whispers on the frozen stone,

Her ribs a harp of hunger’s tone.


She carried a box, her treasure, her thread

Of tiny star-sticks, sulfur-fed.

She called to the rich, the hurried, the gray,

“Buy one, kind sir, and light your way.”


But no one paused, no coin was tossed,


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Winter 2024, December

Mid month

as a good a time as any other

to write of howling winds that smother


Every hint

of comfort and the daily norms

to replace them all with Darragh's storms


Which break

the trees which crash and fall upon

wires, and thus: the village power has gone


And then

in every room in every country cottage

is darkness from the lack of wattage


No h...

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Winter’s Embrace


Snowflakes fall, a silent lullaby,

Blankets of white beneath twilight sky,

Bare branches etched in frost’s sigh,

Cold winds weave through the night,

Stars alight, crisp and bright,

Warm fireside light,

Frozen plight,

Deep night,






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Shall We Meet December Soon?

Shall we meet December soon?

November is just for a week.

Shall we meet a new moon?

Will you show me the trick?



What have I noticed at my age?

The time flies, New Year comes.

I'll write carefully a new life page,

A page will be without any harms.



The time of the year suddenly changes,

I had no time to see many stranges.

I hope that my heart will be...

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awakening (haiku cluster)

Chill spreads through the land,
Branches bare, skies hold their breath,
Snow's touch soon to come.

Frost whispers softly,
Bare earth awaits its white cloak,
Winter’s gift unfolds.

In twilight’s quiet,
Hope stirs with each frosty breath,
Snowfall's gentle kiss.

Trees reach silent arms,
Night's first flake drifts to the ground,
World awakens bright.

Hearts lift in still...

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awakening (haiku cluster)

Chill spreads through the land,
Branches bare, skies hold their breath,
Snow's touch soon to come.

Frost whispers softly,
Bare earth awaits its white cloak,
Winter’s gift unfolds.

In twilight’s quiet,
Hope stirs with each frosty breath,
Snowfall's gentle kiss.

Trees reach silent arms,
Night's first flake drifts to the ground,
World awakens bright.

Hearts lift in still...

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Winters fingers

Sweat on the ground

Moist all around

Shivering was the witch

Until the mob surround her switch 


The crimes untold

As the woman's wrath unfolds

While the flames ignite 

to the crowds’ delight


Her screams echo fuelling the mobs hate

While masking their fate as her soul surrounds them 


The forest of death has a witches’ breath

With eyes that see through...

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