The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Fairy Floss

Image source: Pinterest/@Arnab


Sweet floss brings happiness, 

With tender finesse, 

It greets, 

As joy spreads in fleeting beats. 


Floss compound with fairy,

Is magic within a combination of sweet, tender, and airy.


Fairies spin with rhythmic gait,

Blending sugar’s gleam with air in interplait. 

Their wings flutter, gathering air, 

A tinkling ...

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fantasypoemeventsmagical momentsjoy


You are older now.

You are not just a kid.

Are you regretting the things

You wish you did?


Are life's sweetest moments

The ones already passed away?

Or can you look around

And find joy in your day?


Right where you are at this moment

You may cherish when you are old.

Moments now taken for granted,

Could be the treasures you hold.


One day you may la...

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birth of new foundation

birth of mankind
birth is a new birth of joy
a new foundation is a new birth of joy
foundation is foundation of joy
mankind is founded by joy
mankind is founded by mankind
new joy  is new birth of joy

birth is a new joy founded by new joy
foundation is founded by a new birth of joy
new joy is new foundation
birth of mankind is a birth of joy
joy is founded by joy
joy is founded by a ...

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You Are Here

While great troubles rumble on the horizon
here is calm and peaceful
There’s love on tap
which I love to give back

And when I checked the map
that was the most beautiful part of all
and the big red arrow said

You are here
you are here and allowed 
to enjoy this moment

As fragile as a bubble
floating on the summer breeze
The preciousness of this kindness
is not lost on me

And ...

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being presenthappinesscontentmentjoy

Feathered Foot Dreaming

One sticky September noon, 
a raindrop pattered sweetly.
My eyes glided upward as they do,
wishing for cloudkin and hazy.
Colors splayed from prisms' glass,
stretching from fairy's gold to heaven.
Raindrops trapped 'neath nature's glass,
capturing my gaze quite nimbly.
Faraway from earth and grass,
my adoration shifted skinward.
In wonder of bubble beneath my bre...

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life and naturejoyHappiness

Single Father

Youthful days are fleet and fast, adulthood it beckons
Maturity in years it grows, quickly in few seconds

Visualise your wings unfold and soar careers path
In dreams I see your face so small and hear mischievous laugh

Companionship vacated, in emptiness to wallow
Loneliness unfolds, bitter is the pill to swallow

Sometimes I yearn to rewind the days, erase the sorrow's tide
For you to ...

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