lovers (Remove filter)
On Henrietta Street
The children howl, the house is hell
you close your eyes to cast that spell
Rising high above the endless squabbles
to meet me down upon those sodden cobbles
The rain and fog are gently taunting
your white shirt billows, opaque and haunting
On Henrietta Street…
Two hundred stairs, do I descend
with full-beam smile to my treasured friend
These precious moments, we get to steal
Wednesday 6th December 2023 10:50 am
An Eyelash Breadth Between Us
Lit monochrome by the moon
we dance across silver sands
The waves scrawl
like these scribbled lines
written by my yearning hand
All this turbulent energy
flung into the swirling air
Conducted by my pulsing heart
This fool, who thinks he has control
of all you do to me
A wanton wind whips up the spray
and all I want to do
is turn the beat inside my chest into
sentences sho...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 8:14 pm
The Betrothal
You kiss the tops of my closed hands, the mottled scarf round, a hand-fasting
Where little triple diamonds sit, it stands like a marriage
Our walk round the sea brimmed with its longings and its blue remedy
I am peering into our brief lives like Ægir’s wife and her sea fury
what’s lost is lost
May the mead of poetry find me still
I make a new dream for us to take refuge from ...
Monday 28th August 2023 1:18 am
I Write In Pen
Expressions of Love: Part XLIII
Title: I Write In Pen
I write in pen.
Because, like our relationship,
It is final.
There is no going back,
only forward; ink building
and growing like our connection,
every single day.
Wednesday 29th March 2023 8:52 pm
Buried Within…
The invisible truth and
The voiceless words
Both are pertinent …still today
There was no escape route
Nor there will be one any day
Still I’m with your memories
Maybe not so memorable
Like the penned down words
Of the love poems
Or like the melancholic lovers
With the old photographs
Torn, yet not faded out completely
Mine was not so with...
Tuesday 28th February 2023 3:17 pm
Recent Comments
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