happy (Remove filter)
Light breeze,
Flowing through your hair,
Like swift waves of silent sea.
As we hear,
Gentle rustling of leaves,
Their sound, A music indeed,
With the moon's light,
Shimmering through the sky,
Lightning our path,
Your dark eyes,
Like an ocean, filled with stars.
Hear me, my dear,
I know it is hard,
But, I want you,
To forget all your worries,
...Tuesday 14th November 2023 8:28 am
Fried Chicken
Viscous heat bubbles at my feet.
A drum of boiling oil lies beneath.
My body sweats
I dangle like a leaf.
From a wrought iron cage
I watch with rage.
They chop my friends.
Then, they soak and bread them
Feed them to the grease.
I'm a bird trapped in the tree.
Never to be free.
Until, it's time to eat.
Tuesday 24th October 2023 6:17 pm
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