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Oh, look how far I've fallen
Like Icarus with his waxed wings 
Melted by the burning desire; fell hard not soften
What does my actions do? nothing, it brings

Oh, who do I point my fingers to?
It does nothing but makes it more grim
Surrounded by shadow of guilt, no hope nor light's dim 
Thoughts are loud, i just might cut a limb

Everyday I try, everyday I submit
I speak good deeds yet ...

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I am turning to face the sun, ready to face her burning power. Will I be guided or blinded by her strong glare? Sometimes I falter in the game that is called life. I have many talents and I know quite a bit but there is always more waiting to be shown. I am like an eagle, majestic in flight, but life says that the eagle can fall so easily. I have a girl who is my king f...

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You feel like a wounded bird tumbling down from the heavens with a broken wing dragging you down. The sky spins around in a crazy swirl of emptiness, you’re falling so fast you seem to be standing still. You wonder what will it be like when you hit the earth, to become one with God. Will it hurt, will you suffer, or will it be so fast that you won’t even notice? Every spin on...

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Spirit storm

Deep inside me
Buried in my soul
There's a giant storm
Raging out of control

Everything is entangled
In the winds without direction
Everything lost their place
Because of the destruction

Feelings became broken
In the shadow of fears
And I lose in seconds
What I won in years

Desires became fragments
Being slashed by my doubts
Their light disappears
In this eternal blackout


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The lyrics of my feelings

At bottom of my heart
Deep inside me
My feelings are whispering
That they want to be free

That they want to express
The meaning of their existence
That they want to be shared
While singing with persistence

While searching for the heart
That they want to complete
They sing without stop
In a tone that is sweet

And in a white sheet
I write the lyrics of my feelings
I write the des...

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Made arrangements to go away for my anniversary

Which then did render a thought

Does my wife really enjoy vacationing with me

Or am I her last resort

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