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Love Is A Violence

And if you must pierce my heart
With a dagger so sharp,
Caress with it my cheek
After you've retrieved it.
Paint my face soft,
With the violence of your love.
It is for you who my heart beats for,
Thus it is by your hands that it should stop.
May the wind blow you
My final breath to.

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Cry me a river

so I know you can feel

the heartache which splits me apart

in hopes you will come 

with a stick of glue


get me that violin 

and sing me a song

for I’d play,

until my fingers fell off

just to hear you sing along


or come kiss me goodnight

bless me with your gentle touch

and look at me with those glittering stars 

so I may fall asleep 


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If Love Were Simple

If LOVE were simple then, for sure

We'd know the blessings it truly bestows:

We'd rid our life of sad refrains, begot of earthly woes;

Our wholesome love remaining ever pure.


When virtue lies in every thought and deed,

Or promise of a future time be met.

Then likewise your sweet kisses or your warm embrace

Would seal the bargain and, God speed,

There would be no cause ...

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Love PoetryLoveHopeFaith


We made a blood oath...

and yet the promise of it dissipated with the conversation I often expected.


As much as I’d love to over-describe, as some might expect me to, the weight of how I feel while concocting the narratives of Univerza, my writings mislead me.


I might say the campfire stories I told, which wrote themselves, are but a light in a pitch forest as I meander away ...

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lovenaturepoetry communitypoetrycommunitywriteoutloudSpoken Word poetryfriendship opportunist genuinescience fictionfantasyhopeeternal

Hearts Of Hers

Heart of mine
Won't you stand at my side?
Stop your traitorous speeding,
So that my cheeks may stop heating.
What is it about her,
That her whole being allures
What is it about her,
That has me needing more


Who gazes at me as if I 
Am the one who in the east rises
Who sees me wholly,
Not for who I pretend to be.
Who has replaced my blood,
as my life's elixer,

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longingloveromancePassionPoemheartsoul matemeaningpoetryqueer


I want to drape the page

with memories, love

with wandering thoughts and

painful regret


I want to wonder

what I could be, and would

if I took my words and

made them come true


or is that unwise?

to wish for a change 

for the dreams to leave my mind

and join the sunlight around me


I want to climb the tallest mountains 

and trees

I would fall i...

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