The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Imaginative Leisure World

Stood in the world filled with marvel
A place where it meets outside its box
Sky is the imagination; limitless and abysmal
Creative world; quixotic meets realistic, the mind is the crosswalks

Mountains that grows unnoticed
Gloats their colossal size and its verdant forests
However, gust carry the weights lightly and up like hawks
Flew beyond the barriers of sound;
Aloft and chases equi...

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The whistle of the wind
And the fate twisted and twined
Under the dark filled with gems
We made love and made other condemns

Mumbling crickets sang their song
And the croaking frogs composed their poem
The endless sky; glimmering yet bright
With you here feelings were delight

The moment and time stood still
And the world was ours to give
Soft tongue and eyes filled with jewel
Is not...

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Moments of Saccharine

Reminisced the golden beams of Sol that reflects to your iris
An episode of time that we wandered aimless
Cuddles like a meerkat, we were one like a chorus
Envisages our future and stamped our initials on the tree of eucalyptus

The windy day and the descending star in stretch
We danced with the field of wild flowers and we kissed in french
The caw of the birds as our audience
to our story...

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Dancing in the background of lilac petal
Sapphires surrounds and shined with a vendetta
Gasping the puff of space dust
Walking in thin air, together with the seeping blood lust

Near, yet too far
Celestial bodies barreling towards with no fuss
Words spoken in the pages of grimoire
Unfurled by the curious gust

Synchronized by the effects of cosmic dust
The choreographed pirouette of the...

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Strumming the strings of fate
Moving in maelstrom against the natural order of destiny
As the strings lengthen, I’m in stalemate
To counter, to flow, or to simply be

I stand in the space of the night
Looking up, stars staring back
Looking back, decisions stand for condign smite
Still seeking for the perfect tune by a mere playwright

Choices have been chosen, Decisions have been decided

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Tainted words are like shadows

Amid your weak sunny days

Tainted dreams are like the mud

On your black patent leather shoes

You cannot walk towards your hope

Having these sorrowful feet

And with a barefaced kind

Of friend hidden on your mind

Tainted whispers are like a curse

With the promises you've broken

Maybe a thousand times

A sudden storm taints the breeze


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The tears cannot put out

The burning question of the heart

What a bizarre fire you have

As no one can see your flame

Deep down in your heart

Maybe we should sing a song

To let us not  go wrong

Once again with unanswered questions

The lyrics are so stuck in violence

That they are drifting us apart

Deep down in our bleeding heart

The empty space is not big enough


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