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Skinner box III (12/20/2022)

graspin at rat pills
 like cigarettes

all the while, the tide rises past my lips
and this damn lighter won't light anymore 
maybe its out of fluid 

maybe its just out of fluid
like this stone is just out of blood .

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blood from a stoneanxietyaddictionself

The Bottle

The Bottle

Sometimes it's easy to take comfort from a bottle

Trying to numb or dull the anxiety

A swill of sweet oakey booze to dissolve those feelings one would rather ignore

But eventually, given enough time, and enough drink

One starts to notice that bottle isn't your friend 

It doesn't work

It doesn't numb anything

In fact, most of the time, it boils and churns up and c...

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Poetrywriting poemsalcohol abuseaddictionrecoverysicknessperspective

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