The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love (Remove filter)

It Fits

It fits.
It just simply does.

My arm fits behind your head,
as we lie on the bed, in the glow.

Your head on my shoulder,
comfortable and light.

It fits.
It just does.

Staring at the ceiling;
at the cobweb on the fan.

Nobody cares. There are no thoughts,
just reverie, and peace. Just to be.

It fits.
It just fits.

This life with you,
and who we are.

This growth togeth...

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Created perfect,
From the dust of the Earth.

Then, moved to the Garden,
the Paradise of God.

Created for a purpose,
a call to tend and to keep.

To garden, Paradise,
To protect, the peaceful place of God.

To walk with God,
in the cool of the evening.

Powers beyond us today,
buried within us today.

Total control of the Garden,
dominion with love and wisdom.

Communing with...

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Changed directions

I want to see your face
I want to bore into your eyes
I want you to make me twirl
but I think it's too late

Why did it feel like the last dance
that I'd get before you vanish into the oasis?
Did you have to give up so soon?
I was just getting used to being
someone you called

You asked me why I didn't
take off my mask
I laughed and said that it's become a part of me
only I  knew t...

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hurtloveLetting Go

Finding the Deep

When the needle pricks your finger.

When you hide under the covers.

When you look under the bed.

When you go down into the basement.


When you dig up the root in the yard.

When you lay someone to rest.

When you drill to find water.

When you mine for gold.


When the sink hole collapses.

When you drop deep inside Krubera.

When Earth cracks in two and you reach t...

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The Sound

I know the sound
of your mind
as if I knew my own
I hear your voice
when you say nothing
at all

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