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Local Bards Get Festive With A Mersey Christmas

A brand new anthology of Christmas poems has been launched as a Facebook project.

‘A Mersey Christmas’  features work by local poets who frequent the spoken word poetry circuits around Birkenhead and Liverpool, and is available to read free.

Curated by Wirral poets Barry Woods and Michelle Wright the collection is their fourth creative writing project and a Christmas gift to the people of th...

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Environmental Poems Read at Wirral Poetry Festival 2021

Poets from Merseyside have started to reignite the art of live performance with a series of eight spoken word events around the Wirral Peninsula.


The Wirral Poetry Festival has emerged from its online only status and has been back in the community over the past weeks celebrating the run up to National Poetry Day 2021 on Thursday.


On Sunday West Kirby Arts Centre hosted a green even...

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Barry WoodsHeart of GrassMichelle WrightpoetrypoetsWirral

Liverpool's Capsule of Culture remembers 2020 with the World in Lockdown People's Poem

The World in Lockdown People's Poem is now part of the RLB 360 Capsule of Culture, which remembers the year 2020 and its defining moments.

The project was chosen by a judging panel of local and Liverpool-born celebrities.

Thanks to everybody who shared their words last year.

The time capsule will be stored in the Royal Liver Building permanently from today.

A big thanks to my co-creato...

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Bouée de sauvetage pêche

As a writer (I still shy away from the title poet at times) I often find myself in a dilemma, one to which the vagaries of my mind tutor the torment. The unravelling of meaning of poems – is it meant to be a test that makes you feel inadequate at the best of times?

I have often sat and read something and then wondered “what the hell have I just read? It makes no sense at all. Why must poets do ...

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Train Ride Home

inspired by The Last Night of Your Trip

on the train ride home 
your smile flashed between buildings, 
lights flickered and i couldn’t tell 
if it was the spark in your eye 
or the streetlights beaming 
onto the dark streets. 

i saw your smile and your hand
reaching for mine, 
those bedroom eyes 
that whispered “bring me 
to your hotel.” 

we weren’t made for cheap 
sex, we were ...

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A Cautionary Tale

Come close if you must, 

to my heart of rust. 


Taste my sorrows

of ash and honey,


beneath the illusion 

of love and money. 


After the show, 

your life’s a mess, 

you’ll fall in line 

with the rest.


. . .


It’s not too late, 

to change your fate.


Turn away from a life 

of heartbreak.


What you seek 

is found within,


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