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mind (Remove filter)

I see tomorrow, born from death

When death steal your tomorrow
leaving you with more questions than sorrows
What is life, so fragile, no time to waste
who am I, where do I belong, where is my space?

Memories painting a picture against the wall
trying to make sense of yesterday’s Fall
Some make you smile, some make you cry
there is nothing of yesterday to deny.

As time tempers the Mind and heals the Heart
the Soul is...

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The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth


Every time the glass of your skull

Crashes into the fist of another memory

To crush you where you stand

Because another memory has broken you

Because another memory has entered you

Like intruders, they force their way inside

They punch their way into your attention

They invade your heart

Until you must look at them

All so that they can violate you again


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acceptingassaultblockblock outbraverycoping mechanismdealingdealing with traumadifficultfeeling is okayforgetfuturegetting bettergrowingLiving after traumamemoriesmental healthmindmind protectsmoving forwardsmoving onpainpainfulpastraperecallreliveself preservationself protectionsupressedsupressed memoriessurvivortoxictraumaunderstandingviolence

Trapped Thoughts

Locked away emotions
I won't let no-one inside
Behind a masked perfection
Is the place I run and hide
Alone I’m always thinking
My mind just fills with dread
Unknotting the confusion
That’s tied up inside my head
Trying to escape thoughts
But I can't find no way out
My eyes are slowly welling
My cries are silenced shouts
I'm looking for the answers
But they just never seem to come

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mindhatesadnessadvicelonelyconfusedLGBTQ poetryhope


looming at me she's smiling

swerving to keep her at bay

I crossed double white lines

after that things went grey


waking in her brawny arms

she whispers words of love

how we were fated to meet

the way we fit hand in glove


concussion raddling my mind

my brain limps in reverse gear

random thoughts flit like fleas

one above all else, naken fear



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