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Hidden Talent

We know it will kill us,

But we do it anyway.

Huddled together,

Like this.

In this place of ill repute.

The townsfolk think poorly of us.

But I am sure

Someone in here,

Has read Rimbaud.

Written poetry,

Dreamt of Dante.

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alcohol abusepubsRimbaudDanteaddictiondrunksicknesssad

I've Seen Miracles

I’ve seen miracles happen before my eyes,

witnessed empty souls become human again.

More than human, I’ve seen them struggle

and fight against an invisible,

yet all-consuming, foe. One who is

dark, deceptive, relentless and cruel.


I’ve watched them grow with a determination,

grace and humility unknown to the masses.

They have found new depths of consciousness

and un...

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Hurting / Healing


I was waging war on my body before it had even fully grown 
No respect for the temple that houses my soul 
With cuts, and drugs and other people's limbs
I have shown her little she is respected 
And expected her to carry on as though she were

Countless sleepless nights and 'just one more drink' 
And I have pushed her to her limit 
She's crying out for acknowledgement
No more ...

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June 2020

Deep unquenchable thirst
that permeates my teeth,
And tickles like a feather
grazing a phantom limb.
Scatches like a itch
in a place you can't reach
Claws at your willpower
and begs
for just 

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A Cautionary Tale

Come close if you must, 

to my heart of rust. 


Taste my sorrows

of ash and honey,


beneath the illusion 

of love and money. 


After the show, 

your life’s a mess, 

you’ll fall in line 

with the rest.


. . .


It’s not too late, 

to change your fate.


Turn away from a life 

of heartbreak.


What you seek 

is found within,


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