philosophy (Remove filter)
God Is No Man
Understanding the laws of the universe
Puts you in a position of overwhelming doubt
As your mind tells you that God would never take the form of a human scout
Decaying in this moment of nonsensical bout.
God doesn’t sit on a cloud
God doesn’t pretend to shout
God doesn’t want to meet you
Or question the defiance from the stench of your wet mouth.
The Universe is filled with mathematica...
Monday 17th December 2018 3:13 pm
A word underused
A word that’s abused
So small, yet a powerful beckoning of call
A word remembered by all.
What makes me laugh
When fighting in a brawl
Is the fact the speaker doesn’t understand
That in the 21st century
This word has changed
And enters into a new plan.
To be blunt and to the point
To use the word Cunt! Means not a lot
At all.
Monday 10th December 2018 3:45 pm
Feel It
Feel it with all your might
Feel it with all that’s insight
Feel it tonight
Feel it regardless of your fight
Feel the laughter and pain hitting right
Feel it like the wind lashing off the winter night
Feel it again
Feel it over and over again
Feel it like you can’t pretend
Feel life like it’s your friend
Feel it for all that’s lost with no end
Feel it again
Feel it while delivering...
Monday 10th December 2018 10:26 am
Sleeping through earthquakes
If I am your world
with my head lying on your chest,
then is the b-beat b-beating tectonic plates?
Is your heart safely caged?
Can I lift my head or will you break?
You are the love between my legs.
You are my love, between my legs.
Are you the birthmark on my flesh?
It beats: s-stay s-stay...
Is your heart safely caged?
Friday 17th August 2018 6:47 pm
Ethereally Here/There
If I am to be There
I must have a reason to be here
If there is a There to be.
If I didn’t need to be here
So I could be There
There I would already breath.
If there is a There
And There I am meant to be
My focus there should be - eternally
My focus is here
With no time for thought of There
Where all the focus is monetary
Friday 9th March 2018 2:26 pm
Oh what express – what
The empty page beautiful, blank like fallen snow waiting for a life to touch it.
(Sigh) The blankness mocks me.
I long so to stain the page beyond the compass blades summit with ideas that encompass more than lands distance.
Oh, to etch the slate with important gravity that excavates through touching everything above and below and without effort imposing itself on every thread that spin...
Friday 12th January 2018 2:53 pm
The Pessimist
A man, a philosopher thought he.
Decided to make a statement, you see.
To proclaim that he was an optimist.
And trying to make a believer of me,
This, simply said he:
"The world has to many pessimists."
I concluded, a philosopher or an optimist -
Neither was he.
Monday 8th January 2018 2:29 pm
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