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I found myself in a nightmarish place. There were lots of people, if that’s what you can call them. Some were horribly disfigured. Some seemed to be more demon than human.
These people/demons were cannibals. Eating people they had captured. Some ate them alive ripping them limb from limb. Others preferred them to be killed first and then cooked.
I kept asking, “Why haven’t you eaten me,...

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False GodsHumanityMonsters

The Bridges I Never Burn

All the goodbyes Ive never said

They haunt me, like some unfinished business. 

Im always wondering who is away from me, that is not supposed to be. 

Who did I cast away after prides were hurt?

Where are those who hesitantly walked away, while they looked back and noticed I wasnt following?


Oh, who are you kidding?

You give way too many chances. 

Face it.

With some, you...

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