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Longing (Remove filter)

Anatomy of Longing

Cutting to the heart of all this longing
is it the vicious tongue you wag at me
or the perpetual mystery hanging from your actions
the contradictions of your possible state of mind

I see the hurt, I feel the pain you carry
and sense the urge to be desired by men
the flirt of all you do rings loudly before you
and against my better judgement
I can’t help but come swimming back to your sho...

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Longing for the touch of a soft hand

Lips brought together

to seal the one kiss to end all kisses

Craving the taste and smell of female arousal

The sensuous beauty of passion

Making the mundane a forgotten memory

and the banal a distant ghost

Moments to savour,

to place in a cherished corner of the mind.

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Another time

The sun rays shimmer
On the Hudson river
Framing the sky
Is the New York skyline
A busy day begins and
From a window in the train
You can see the bridge
That appeared in movies
And in your dreams
The American Dream
In a teenager the only dream
She had always cherished
She knows the golden ripples
Arent true and wont last
As the sun will go down
No it wasnt for all that
It means to ...

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Long Distance Love

If I could bottle up this thunder

in my heart and post it to you,

all those unspoken words would 

tumble out and you would see.

If I could lace my fingers into yours,

we could speak in braille.

If I could lie my head against your skin

and inhale, you could not fail to know.

If I could touch my lips upon your mouth,

and speak the language of eternity,

no words would be...

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love poemslong distance loveLonginglove passionlove poetry


my frail hands reach for you,

my heart possibly reaching too.

you are my felicity, 

the feelings you strike inside me stronger than electricity.

I truly do love you,

but I'm scared you won't stay true. 

nevertheless, I still want us to have a everlasting rendezvous.

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