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freedom (Remove filter)

Bohemian Rhapsody

To live free
Not on dirty streets
Full of bigotry
Where you're spit upon
With worst of insults
Where the spoiled brat's vomit
Hits face and smarts weary eyes
Where the filthy rich's neatly groomed French poodle
Pisses and shits upon your humanity

To live free
Not in a shelter for the homeless
Where urine-perfumed air stings the nostrils
And freshly released vomit smells like stale ju...

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Whispers traveled the corridors,

Anxiety filled the air -

And there in the corner, she lay

As fine as a porcelain,

With skin as cold as ice.


Nobody dared to approach

But anyone could see,

The pills that lay nestled -

Within the palm of her hand.


And in the midst of all the tension,

The silence seemed to overwhelm -

Those who looked on wanted to run,


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One Step Closer

Come one step closer

that's all I ask

Just close enough for me to Reach

Touch, and Experience

your foreign, yet familiar face,

Recalling unique sensations,

in desperation

I fight for the part of you

that is mine...

rightfully mine

Cease your frolicsome avoidance of

my existence-

which is...

God's creation behind concrete walls

that overshadow desolate, bar...

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