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Crescent Moon

I live on the dark side 
of the moon 
in the crescent blue. 

I live my life in reverse, 
hamster on the wheel. 
Time passes still.

An absurd 
monomaniacal obsession 
leaves me stranded 
every time, 

lost in an ocean abyss 
sinking in my sinking ship, 
sick at heart, sick of mind, 
sick of time 

passes still

on the dark side 
of the crescent moon 
I bloom in blue 
just f...

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addictionsBlue Moondesirespokenword

Love Note #3

In the mood for

Something pink and lacey with matching top

Whip cream covered lips with caramel all down your chin

Salivating – about to – dig into

Sweet honeydew nectar drizzled ever so slowly

And ever so graciously

Marinating my taste buds to an explosion  

Fusing with every last bit of my senses

And propelling me to the very peak of

“I think I just lost my mind”


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When I hear this music
I think of you
Crashing through my senses
Like a thunderstorm 
Painting colours inside my eyes

I do not know you
I do not know myself
Things are changing 
Beyond my control.

When it was simple 
The melody was soothing
But the two parts now encountered
Absorb each other
Becoming one

The quickening of my pulse
Takes me by surprise .......

Is it thoughts...

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I can taste the colours of your kiss
Fiery crimsons bursting through 
Mellow yellows
Exploding into sweet tangelo
Cool blues
Turning violet
As my senses play this quiet duet

I hear music when you touch me
Bass lines throbbing alongside
Exotic rhythms
Tumbling into trembling strings
Soaring voices
Dulcet tones
Within your music my body groans

I can smell flowers in your words

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a trickle 
from mountain rain 
it starts ......


a quiver of droplets
converging together
coursing through my body 
consuming my thoughts
babbling down my contours
into my valleys
soaking my senses 
with lust
growing in need
shuddering across rocks
rapidly gaining in momentum
in a frenzy of whitewater 
reaching the drop
at ...

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When you lit that cigarette

The bones of me shuddered,

The blood in me halted.

What I wouldn’t do for you to light my flame with your lips....


Because I’ve had men tell me that my lipstick tastes of petrol,

That my mouth lights fires,

That my tongue causes explosions

And of course, that opening my legs is the best way to put a fire out.


But this fire begins at you...

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