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Love (Remove filter)

In her dreams

Why has the bitter taste of life
Brought nothing but despair?
Has she quit and renounced her will to live?
The octaves will split and she'll claim absence to her name.
Have you found what you've been looking for?
The citrine was a gift to light your way, but the pentagram on your chest guides you straight to the graves..
Can you smell the rotting flesh?!
Can you feel my anguish?
In between...

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Japan love affair 1990

Where are yu?

Ezaki sweet love,

Japanese venture,

Exotic treat for a young man

Back in his prime.


Hair dark as coal

And even down there.

Paps the right handful size.

How our bodies rhymed and chimed

In knots and tangles on and off the sheets.


28 and 20 – what a great age to be.

You were a woman who shared her wares

As I shared my tears and adolescent d...

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Anthony and Katypatra

I arrive. Quickly turning bedroom from Rome into Alexandria.
Skin up, pop cork to dilute and delight blood with Bollinger.
Determined to mix up a confidence to conquer, my
Goddess summoning up a strip tease of your morality.


“The triple pillar of the world transformed into a strumpet’s fool.”*


Coiling concubine - arabesque around your thighs to
nourish exotic fantasy. Arching p...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

On the death of David Bowie (By Emma/written in 2 minutes when I woke up!)

So I hear from you all that he has died,
the man that touched so many lives.
He has not left you in your heart,
now it's time to do your part,
keep his music alive through the dark.
His shining light will never depart.
He left a legacy to show,
his wishes for those who know.
Never let your creativity die,
From the starman waiting in the sky.

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david bowiegrieflovecreativity




When love

cuts deep

with grieving,

one immersion

bleeds into

the next.


If she gave


in forgiveness –

would her shadow

follow her?


She unconsciously

weaves threads

of the past

summoning shroud

of the future.


Touched twice

in the laver

submerged in her

saviour’s perdition.


Condemned to

cold is...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

First posting

Was feeling emotionl and wrote this, it felt good. 


When your thoughts run away with you,

The thoughts of what could have been run from you,

Regrets, false memories just out of reach,

The power of imagination is pain,

The power of emotion pushed us to change.

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missing you

the days have passed by without listening to your voice.
the days have passed by without watching you smile.
even in this unfaithful world i think of you
and that someday you'l accept my love.
i don't have the courage to tell you that your smile
lights up my day and that your eyes just mesmerize me.
i see you have moved on in this world but i still stand
at the place you left us.the dreams ...

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