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romance (Remove filter)

Untold Truth

We woke up 

You were smiling at me

You looked so unexpectedly happy

Wrapped my neck in your arms

Gave me a tight squeeze

I ask why

You won't reply

You never do

But that's the great thing

You don't have too

I already know what's held to be true

It doesn't have to be spoken

It doesn't have to be said

Yes, we might be in a little over our heads

Undoubtedly we...

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May It Be

May it be that you and I
Spend an eternity together
May it be that you and I
Live and Laugh forever
May it be that you and I
Live happily ever after
May it be that you and I
Always start a new chapter
May it be that you and I
Love the way we smile
May it be that you and I
Walk 500 miles
May it be that you and I
Hold each other tight
May it be that you and I
Always know when to fight

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loveRomancelove and romance


To feel her warm and gentle hand

upon your smiling face,

her tender loving caress is like

a sweet and soothing grace.


Teasing, as your fingers

trace a tantalizing trek

along her silken stockings

as you tenderly kiss her neck.


Gazing into enchanting eyes

so deep with dark desire,

whirling pools of life and lust,

dancing in dangerous fires.


A hint o...

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Just like a flower

our love 

blooms in the summer

and dies in the winter.

With nothing but memories left to show

what once stood tall,

has now


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He too had a dark side

Knocked at my window

He mumbled; drove me out

Gleaming that evening was;

No one ever knew about


Quiet for a while, we stared

His “warmth” asked my plight

‘Dragged those stubborn rays; or

Faced some restless light?’


Blamed him for his betrayal

I sighed, nodded & replied;

“mine isn’t luminous like yours,

life is dull and deprived”


Ah! Borrowed is my...

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Now She Knows

This desire we've searched to reach, The feeling of euphoria isn't matched by another Even these words don't seem worthy of its worth With you in my earth, everything seems plausible, Like the globe is finally in my hand instead of resting upon my shoulders, Each day gets better with no intention of letting her go My calling to construct this picture unpainted like before, Just so she can ...

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