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Crush -- 07/2015

The speed

The rush

My face turns flushed

I'm being crushed

By your presence

Can't stand your absence

Laying, relaxing with you

It doesn't matter what we do

Quietly watching TV

Intertwined, breathing heavily

Or cracking up, acting a fool

Its not like back when I was in school

But its true

I like you

And I'm hoping you like me too

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Here's to hoping

Instead of moping

Moving forward

And ahead

Being careful of the tread

But accepting of what will be

Climbing the tallest trees

For all to see

"Hey, this is the new me!"

Here's to laughing 

Instead of napping

Feeling alive

Instead of drained dry

Watching, waiting

Still debating

But all awhile

As happy as a child

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Untold Truth

We woke up 

You were smiling at me

You looked so unexpectedly happy

Wrapped my neck in your arms

Gave me a tight squeeze

I ask why

You won't reply

You never do

But that's the great thing

You don't have too

I already know what's held to be true

It doesn't have to be spoken

It doesn't have to be said

Yes, we might be in a little over our heads

Undoubtedly we...

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My friend Terrence

was a little happy sole,

he didn't need a kennel,

nor a house or a hole.


His home was a shell

that he carried on his back,

so that all he had to do

was drop down on the track.


Then he'd pull his head inside,

followed by his legs and feet

and he’d look inside the fridge

for something tasty to eat.


If it started raining

or got ...

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children's poetrytortoisehappyfunny poem


To hold you up

if you start to fall

and fly to your side

whenever you call.


To hold you close

when dark closes in,

I’ll feed your heart

and beat from within.


To feel your warmth

and the glow of your smile,

when the clouds are parted

we can see for miles.


To hold your hand

through life's testing times,

to shield and protect

on those slippe...

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As the sun beats down

on another glorious day,

the blackbirds are singing

in their sweet little way.


The world is still

and my mind is at peace,

how I pray for this stillness

as it offers such release.


The sky so blue

and clear overhead,

the world still in slumber;

tucked up in their beds.


Dreaming of worlds

with strange designs

and, for now...

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If you've ever seen an ant

go whizzing by

faster than his friends and

with goggles on his eye's,

then without a doubt,

skidding through the plants,

you've met my friend Albert,

The skate-boarding ant.


From the day he was born

he was rushing around

hither and thither,

like a spring unwound.

His mum would despair,

“Albert, please stand still.

You need y...

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A Glimpse

I saw a glimpse of spring today
While riding in the truck
I never knew how sweet it smelled 
Untill the light possesed my soul
I thought the night of winter would forever consume my eternity
but oh how wrong I was because....
I saw a glimpse of spring today

The smell of sweet remembrance of a childhood long passed by 
will forever haunt by being
But in that moment I was entrapped in a w...

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More Than A Tractor, Deeper Than the Cam

Theres a happy sad,

And some people can sing it.


Some people can paint it,

Sketch it.


Some people live it,

Not because they can,

But because they are cursed.

Because they do.


Some people learn it,

And still,

They never feel it.


Some of us feel it,

Wrecked for years,

Smiling with tears on our cheeks,

And never learn it.


I have fe...

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