God (Remove filter)
The iPhone of Beelzebub
I've stolen Beelzebub's iphone, now I know the numbers of his friends
he's stuck for eternity without Facebook, oh how his hell never ends
I nicked St Peter's Kindle, now his words of wisdom are unsaid
Because I changed the password on his account, from Heaven swear words are sent
I hacked into Moses' iPad, now it's a tablet of stone
I wiped every file from the hard drive and chang...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 10:11 pm
A Shock Treatment
When I regretted
Why God is stingy
In showering me
With wealth
He took my health
Goading me
With a threat of death!
Praying when
I recuperated
I realized
Foolishly I had been
Daydreaming for wealth
My health
Is my
Number one wealth!/////
Who is Alem Hailu?
He is an emerging Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English langua...
Thursday 17th September 2015 4:35 pm
A Broken Heart Suffices
When a
Remorseful convert,
Astray that had gone far
Blemishing his /her soul
With Sin's tar,
Puts a broken heart
On the altar,
By far,
S/he could enjoy
God's grace
Or even
Win a higher place
In His face
Than a devotee,
Taking pride
In his/her deed,
Who oft mount
A spiritual war
Devil's way to bar.
It is with
A broken heart
The culprit
Hanged by the right
Of Jesus Chri...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 7:51 am
Following The Birds
Ballad from my dream
September.15.1995 / September-7-2013
*Updated 2.20.2014*
Trisha M. Hopkins
Im enjoying my walk along outside
Enjoying the warm morning sun
Small animals begin to scurry and hide
Finally my work is done
Here comes some beautiful birds
I see them out of the corner of my eye
I try my hardest to them
But they are too far up in the blue sky
I begin to follow
This ...
Monday 9th February 2015 12:16 am
The Day You Begin To Live
Trisha M. Hopkins
The day you begin to live
Is the day you start to die
Things you see aren't what you believe
Even the first tear you cry
Is already the thing of the past
The hardest you try
You cant make the day last
The day you take your first breath
Is the day you gasp for air
Trying to figure out whats next
The sound of angels is what you hear
Sunday 8th February 2015 11:35 pm
The black soul of a sinner,
in a numbing amphetamine haze,
listens to the screech of bats
and considers his end of days.
Sitting in the suicide dark
in Marion County, Tennessee,
he has followed the stumbling ghosts
of the Chickamauga Cherokee.
He listens to the whispering water
tempting him in that cave
where he thinks no one will find him
to lay flowers on his grave.
Wednesday 21st January 2015 10:43 pm
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