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Love (Remove filter)

It Feels So Far Away This Evening...

October shed its skin across these pavements
now November does its best to wash the mess away
as we glide down the lonely streets of night

Lost in appreciation for the subtle light that guides us
you carry such a heavy heart this season
what was taken brought you this blackness in exchange
I do whatever I can to lift it up for you

My dance of conversation, jig of gentle humour
all my a...

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Love life

The way your hands attach themselves to my body

The way your lips stick to mine

That breif moment we stop and look deep into eachothers eyes

Trying to find forever

Love is mixed

Along with friendship



Together it made a clear view of our future

Take my hand

Take a risk

Lets start off our life

Somewhere new

Repopulate the world

Make it our ow...

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The Picture


My son has drawn the Sun circles

And all the land with the white dove.

The rays of the Sun had different  referrals,

But  they all appeared  in  everyone’s love.

©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 19th of January, 2015

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Indian Summer

Indian Summer


An Indian summer in October

A non uniform day in the dirge of dreariness

In you swept unannounced

A hurling hurricane

A sea of calm

A pocket of promises waiting to be unearthed 

You found me in the dearth of my moldy life

You scalpel scraped the pallet clean

Sprouted taste buds where once before lay some withered woes

Alas, you’re an avocado!


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Sepulchral Body.

I forget how once
I recited your name.
Frayed blossom spent
seven thorns from seven wounds
of loving you.

Sepulchral body
rhythmic dancing
rupturing those vessels
 from the  pungent flesh of servitude
The garden – my garden
 now barren and prickly
a desert cactus
gouging the flesh
cold and bare rock faced.

I observe those migratory birds
soaring their temperate destination

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-the ramblings of another young girl-


  It's three words,

eight letters..

but i still stutter and slur them together

until its a big mess of 


Perhaps one day it will have

eight letters,

and three seperate words 

that won't be so mashed together.

but until then,

you'll just have to deal with 

my stuttering and slurring 

and the bi...

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I Saw You

I saw you~

In colors of vibrant gold

Glowing from your pores

Seeping into my heart

I saw you~

Your eyes held the ocean

Seas of blue and fresh air

Breeze through my senses 

Sweeping me away

I saw you~

As you laughed

Your voice rang in vibrations

Which traveled through my body

And shook my core

I saw you - as you saw my soul

My being , my whole - It was t...

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