The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

romance (Remove filter)

I knew from the very first moment -

what I knew, I didn't really know in the moment

but a part of me just knew

and I knew he knew too.

Every part of my broken heart and aching body

seemed to scream it; 

the words breaking through my skin - 

dying to be heard.

But I was so afraid and he was so damaged

No one could know.

No one ever knew.

Not even him; 

and now it...

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Sonnet VI


Vulnerability picked at battered Heart

Opened spirits found a tattered soul

What seems impossible was our start

Years of false hope refused to let us fold


Help, you wouldn’t seek -----I would never consider to give

Disposition changed daily

Detoxing lies in which we lived

From all the game we been playing


Maybe this is practice

For all the truth we were la...

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Sneak a brief moment of passion

The rush of emotion clashes your body

Falls on preoccupied ears.

 Impatience destroyed the fabric of relationship that time evidently builds.

 In an instance desire overcame true heart feelings---exploring intractable territory. 

Wills that succumb to a lifelong understanding and comfort of still passion.

 Ill words never entered my jilted mind, no...

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What I'd Do For You

Give you a thousand roses and a thousand violins
A thousand manned choir to sing you a thousand hymns
Light up a thousand stars in the image of your face
Give me a thousand wishes and I'd wish most of the same
Nine hundred ninety-nine wishes, I'd wish for one more day
To spend with you, then change my wish when my last wish came
On the thousandth wish, I'd wish for a thousand more
Wishes, t...

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lovelove poemsromanceromantic

Significance of the Nineteenth Autumn

As the nineteenth autumn has come upon me,
It’s a whole new world I see.
Treacherous creatures, so often, hush and hide,
And it seemeth to me, a change in tide.

The poetry of soothing sensation has gone,
The glimmering golden glow of the sun is now none.
Some say,’ The Head is battling with the Heart’.
Well ! All Logic has been torn apart.

As I gaze into the vast emptiness
The dawning...

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The green grass dies beneath her feet, 
As she holds in her cry to a settle weep, 
Her heart gets taken by her big black sole,
As her eyes change color black as coal,
The wind howls across the sky, 
As her past was all a white lie, 
The trees turn grey with the fading sun, 
And she knew then all was done, 
The time moved slow as the c...

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Enjoy those sleeping moments, when dreams rise to entertain,

As we lay back in afterglow, sharing the warmth that lovers gain,

And while we whisper loving thoughts until sleep comes to stay,

Our last waking thoughts will be of the love we shared today…


Then in our dreams we will walk hand in hand as water laps around,

Facing the fullest moon and wondering at t...

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