The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Such were the joys

Such were the joys,
When we were girls and boys,
That at night when we lay in our nest
Ready for rest,
We were no more seen
Beneath the fair moon beams.

When into play came those rosy lips,
Dews of passion arose in vapoured wisps.
As your fingers lay fitted in mine,
The faithless turned to think of the divine.
And all that was chained in depth and height,
Had broadened, freeing the so...

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April Rain

Welcome overcast sky

from incessant heat


Drizzle gently falling

on freshly wet street


Feel is overwhelming

for indolence to set


With drop in mercury

and in rain to get wet


Odd for time of year

coming event it tells


Rains not lot farther

quelling of arid spells


Sprung as a surprise

catching all unaware


Speeding all measure...

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joyrelieffreshnessanticipationexpectationnaturerekindled romance

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