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Love (Remove filter)


The leaves fall

Tumbling to the ground

Each branch of the tree

Getting bare and brittle

Some leaves fall straight down

Some leaves get carried by the wind

I sit and watch

Each leaf on an adventure

Some broken

Some cracked

Some gone from view

Each one leaving a memory

On the big tree

That is now nude

And pure

My heart was once pure

And covered in a ge...

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My Whole Heart

You have my whole heart
Will till the day that I die
And forever more

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Significance of the Nineteenth Autumn

As the nineteenth autumn has come upon me,
It’s a whole new world I see.
Treacherous creatures, so often, hush and hide,
And it seemeth to me, a change in tide.

The poetry of soothing sensation has gone,
The glimmering golden glow of the sun is now none.
Some say,’ The Head is battling with the Heart’.
Well ! All Logic has been torn apart.

As I gaze into the vast emptiness
The dawning...

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I long to return,

To the land of Ever-was,

So that I can learn,

Why it was we never were.


And if I discern,

What it was you wanted then,

Then I will return,

To when-we’re-not again.

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Your touch still lingers on my skin like the warm yet cold breeze of the wind,


Your kiss heavy leaves an imprint on my lips like the moist rain that steadily drips,


Your laugh still gives me the bees in my gut like hiding from the storm in that little hut,


Your body close to mine in a gentle embrace like the love surrounding our little space,


Your voice calming an...

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Forsaken Love

Prince Charming  a soul meant to roam my heart,
A deadly man with a poisoned dart,
The breath of a gentle kiss, 
Or the meaning of this eternal bliss,
The one who walked right into my life, 
Taking my heart with a knife,
Who knows what there is to behold, 
But this love is not to be sold, 
Take it wisely as you run, 
And bring...

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Have you ever heard an angel laugh?

Or watched her go about her day, 

In a pleasant kind of way,

And realize that you are happy too,

Just because she laughs with you.


And know that if she were to ask,

You would accept her any task,

And do it with unblinking speed,

If only it was you she’d need.


Have you ever known such despair?

To always have an angel there,

Who gives meaning to each passing d...

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angeldespairlovesweet sorrow



I’ll gather the Cockles from Red Wharf Bay

Best soaked overnight in salt water they say

Then boil them in water that is fresh from the tap

Then simmer, five minutes, they open no crap


A bowl with some milk and the Cockles go in

Then stir with your hand like they’re having a swim

Remove and then place them in self-raising flour

Once coated, then sieve. This starter’s ...

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Its 3am.

Way passed the sleep hour.

I stand surrounded in surreal stillness.

This moon shy night admits no ray.

No thought

Penetrates my mind. A church bell chimes:

Tick thrice.

And the deadly silence strikes

That deep dark hole of the head.

Nothing is awake.

Nothing moves.

Yet, something appeals. I know it is out there.

But where?

Minutes tick by.

The dev...

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Nature reclaimed

The leaves are blossoming.

The time of lime green ripeness is here.

They cling onto the branches,

Their tips winnowing in the gentle breeze.


The few leaves which cling no longer,

Rustle on the floor

And are swept away at dusk.


The branches continue to shake

And the leaves, in their vitality and freshness,

Partake in the knowing, changing course.


The nes...

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Eternal Moment

A  sky  for  a  blanket .
Blue  and  light   blue, grey  and  dark  grey.
Clouds  as  moths  wavering  to  and  afar,
Circling  natures  son  in  the  cradled  hood.

Ah!  Let  my  breath  catch  this  beauteous  scene
Could  I  escape  from  you?
I  hold  my  breath  to  capture  this  moment
None  would  need  nepenthe.
This slumber of nature has made me hold my breat...

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Two Lost Souls

Two lost souls in the darkness
Guided by the faintest of light
Though the world casts its shadows
They kept their dreams alive.   People stop and judge them
For what I just don't know
But they keep travelling on
Though they've got no place to go.   Love brought them together
Pain has torn them apart
Just two lost souls in the darkness
Joined together through a broken heart. ...

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LoveBroken HeartLost Souls

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